BENJAMIN FRANKLIN was born in Milk Street, Boston, on January 6, 1706. His father, Josiah Franklin, was a tallow chandler who married twice, and of his seventeen children Benjamin was the youngest son. This newspaper, among other firsts, would print the first political cartoon, authored by Ben himself. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. Franklin was 70 years old and the oldest delegate. At the age of 12 years, he joined his brother for on-job training on printing. of Philadelphia, Printer”. ©Franklin was a statesman, diplomat, writer, scientist and inventor, one of the most versatile and talented men in colonial America and a leading figure in … Retirement allowed him to concentrate on public service and also pursue more fully his longtime interest in science. He is best known as one of our Founding Fathers and the only one who signed all three documents that freed America from Britain: The Declaration of Independence. Benjamin Franklin was America’s scientist, inventor, politician, philanthropist and business man. In 1721 James Franklin founded a weekly newspaper, the New-England Courant, to which readers were invited to contribute. Life of Benjamin Franklin by Jared Sparks. For five years he held conferences with political leaders as well as continuing his scientific experiments and musical studies. His projects gradually became more ambitious and included creating pensions, providing welfare for widows, creating a volunteer militia, and building the University of Pennsylvania to educate the middle class children. To keep the paper going, he discharged his younger brother from his original apprenticeship and made him the paper’s nominal publisher. Omissions? By the spring of 1724 he was enjoying the companionship of other young men with a taste for reading, and he was also being urged to set up in business for himself by the governor of Pennsylvania, Sir William Keith. Benjamin Franklin was born in Boston, but spent most of his life in Philadelphia (punctuated by residences in London and Passy, France). A short biography on Benjamin Franklin, who's been famously called the "first Citizen of the 18th Century." Some months later, after a bitter quarrel, Benjamin secretly left home, sure that James would not “go to law” and reveal the subterfuge he had devised. One of the foremost of the Founding Fathers, he helped draft the Declaration of Independence and was one of its signers, he represented the United States in France during the American Revolution, and he was a delegate to the Constitutional Convention. He invented bifocal glasses, charted the Gulf Stream, invented a clean burning stove and proposed theories on the contagiousness of the common cold. American author, scientist, and statesman. thanks for watching history life discovery science technology tech learning education national nature geogr Benjamin, now 16, read and perhaps set in type these contributions and decided that he could do as well himself. Benjamin Franklin took "air baths", sitting naked with the windows open. Franklin exchanged “some promises” about marriage with Deborah Read and, with a young friend, James Ralph, as his companion, sailed for London in November 1724, just over a year after arriving in Philadelphia. As a journalist his most important journalistic influence was his brother James who is considered the first fighter for journalistic freedom in America. flying a kite that lightning was electricity. Powered by WordPress. Franklin is regarded as one of the main founders of the United States because of his active participation in the development of different fields. Prose was another matter. One of the most memorable scenes of the Autobiography is the description of his arrival on a Sunday morning, tired and hungry. He had 16 siblings, but four of them died at birth. This was long before governments began to provide services to their citizens. Alva O. Benjamin Franklin was among the 56 delegates who signed the Declaration of Independence. He was one of ten children born to Josiah Franklin, a soap maker, and his wife, Abiah Folger. Benjamin Franklin was among the 56 delegates who signed the Declaration of Independence. Benjamin went to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where he continued working for several printing outfits, but he seemed discontented and dissatisfied. Benjamin Franklin was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. He read these Spectator papers over and over, copied and recopied them, and then tried to recall them from memory. Failing to find work in New York City, Franklin at age 17 went on to Quaker-dominated Philadelphia, a much more open and religiously tolerant place than Puritan Boston. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). He was 15th overall in the birth order, and he was the youngest of five brothers. Benjamin Franklin Biography Pack Benjamin Franklin was an influential inventor who made a big difference in our world, specifically with his work with electricity. Created by Meks. He was a self-made man representing American social mobility through frugality and industriousness. Copyright © 2014. For part of his life he held the usual prejudices against African Americans but came to realize that they were “in every respect equal” to his own. Franklin was born the 10th son of the 17 children of a man who made soap and candles, one of the lowliest of the artisan crafts. Benjamin Franklin was born the 10th son of the 17 children of a man who made soap and candles, one of the lowliest of the artisan crafts. He later repudiated the pamphlet, burning all but one of the copies still in his possession. New indentures were drawn up but not made public. This was perhaps a nice justification for his self-indulgent behaviour in London and his ignoring of Deborah, to whom he had written only once. “Prose writing” became, as he recalled in his Autobiography, “of great Use to me in the Course of my Life, and was a principal Means of my Advancement.”. Benjamin Franklin, also called Ben Franklin, pseudonym Richard Saunders, (born January 17 [January 6, Old Style], 1706, Boston, Massachusetts [U.S.]—died April 17, 1790, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.), American printer and publisher, author, inventor and scientist, and diplomat. Franklin composed the United States’ first loaning library and volunteer local group of fire-fighters. Abiah was his second wife. the life of benjamin franklin (full documentary). With only 2 years of formal education he rose to the highest level of society. At 16 years old, Benjamin Franklin became a vegetarian but later abandoned the practice. His first enthusiasm was for poetry, but, discouraged with the quality of his own, he gave it up. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. As a politician he was the first one to propose the union of the colonies for common defense. Franklin preached tolerance and patience to the delegates as they argued about the creation of a representative form of government for the colonies. She saw him and “thought I made, as I certainly did, a most awkward ridiculous Appearance.”. He proved by flying a kite that lightning was electricity and invented a rod to prevent it from hitting buildings. Unabridged student-sized 8.5"x11" value reproduction of The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. Franklin was 70 years old and the oldest delegate. Thousands of people attended his funeral. Franklin argued in his essay that since human beings have no real freedom of choice, they are not morally responsible for their actions. Benjamin Franklin was a statesman, author, politician and inventor best known as one of the Founding Fathers of the United States of America. He received his early education at Boston Latin School and left school when he was only 10 years old. He learned to read very early and had one year in grammar school and another under a private teacher, but his formal education ended at age 10. This biography pack covers important facts aboutBenjamin Franklin’s life for students to learn. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Benjamin Franklin - Benjamin Franklin - Legacy: Franklin was not only the most famous American in the 18th century but also one of the most famous figures in the Western world of the 18th century; indeed, he is one of the most celebrated and influential Americans who has ever lived. His approach was more practical than theoretical. He also published the Pennsylvania Gazette and Poor Richard’s Almanack. Franklin was born in a middle class family on January 17, 1706 in the City of Boston, he was the 15th of 17 children and the youngest son. He strove to improve himself cultivating personal virtues and taking on public projects for the benefit of society. Homme de lettres et de sciences, Benjamin Franklin participe également activement à la politique de Pennsylvanie. Benjamin Franklin genius is centered on the use of his network of business and social connections. Full text. According to historian Perry Miller, Benjamin Franklin has become the most “massively symbolic” figures in American history. Concise and impartial this biography credits the imaginative Benjamin Franklin There are a lot of Benjamin was born in the year 1706 in Boston Massachusetts, British America. The cause of his death was empyema brought by attacks of pleurisy, which he had suffered earlier in his life. He made important contributions to science, especially in the understanding of electricity, and is remembered for the wit, wisdom, and elegance of his writing. Benjamin Franklin made important scientific contributions regarding the nature of electricity. Later on, Franklin played a key role in warning the British government over the dangers of taxing the American colonies. He is best remembered, however, for his leadership in the American colonies and the early United States. He was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. This paper presents the biography of Benjamin Franklin. He was against slavery as an institution. Young Franklin discovered a volume of The Spectator—featuring Joseph Addison and Sir Richard Steele’s famous periodical essays, which had appeared in England in 1711–12—and saw in it a means for improving his writing. He was one of the most versatile and talented men in colonial America and a leading figure in the American struggle for independence. Among his findings was the fact that the positive and negative charges, or states of electrification of bodies, had to occur in exactly equal amounts—a crucial scientific principle known today as the law of conservation of charge. Benjamin Franklin wrote a satirical essay on improving the odor of flatulence. Benjamin Franklin was born in Boston, Mass., January 17, 1706, into a Puritan household. One of the people who cannot be easily forgotten as far as the history of America is concerned is Benjamin Franklin. Franklin was independent, had good intentions, and did lots of important work. Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. Josiah was a poor soap and candle maker. He even turned them into poetry and then back into prose. Benjamin Franklin, Graphic Biography (Saddleback Graphic Biographies) Saddleback Educational Publishing Fast-paced and easy-to-read, these softcover 32-page graphic biographies teach students about historical figures: those who lead us into new territory, pursued scientific discoveries; battled injustice and prejudice; and broke down creative and artistic barriers. In the same period he read tirelessly and taught himself to write effectively. This autobiography recounts Benjamin Franklin’s life from 1771 to 1790. Benjamin Franklin was a printer, publisher, author, inventor, scientist, and diplomat. In 1748, Franklin, then 42 years old, had expanded his printing business throughout the colonies and become successful enough to stop working. Not until his ship was well out at sea did he realize that Governor Keith had not delivered the letters of credit and introduction he had promised. Jefferson and Adams are just as intimidating. APPENDIX No. His father thought him too young for such a venture, so Keith offered to foot the bill himself and arranged Franklin’s passage to England so that he could choose his type and make connections with London stationers and booksellers. Benjamin Franklin's birthday and biography. In a contest of wills, Franklin was instrumental in encouraging the British Parliament to revoke the hated Stamp Act. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. Benjamin Franklin living in Passy, France happened after he began serving as that country’s Ambassador from 1776 to 1785. This classic is a must read because Franklin writes as if the reader is right there with him, relating his story, feeling his success and During the 1720s and 1730s, the side of Franklin devoted to public good started to show itself. Franklin was an ambitious entrepreneur, disciplined and industrious, working hard until late at night. He suffered from gout and had a large kidney stone which confined him to bed. Franklin wrote: “Printers are educated in the belief that when men differ in opinion, both sides ought equally to have the advantage of being heard by the public, and that when Truth and Error have fair play, the former is always an overmatch for the latter”. In 1722 he wrote a series of 14 essays signed “Silence Dogood” in which he lampooned everything from funeral eulogies to the students of Harvard College. Biography Archive Mobile Menu July 2, 2014 Biography of Benjamin Franklin Photo by JasonLangheine Early Life Born in Boston on January 17, 1706, Benjamin Franklin was the tenth son of a soap maker, Josiah Franklin. His mother, Abiah Folger, was his father's second wife. His father, Josiah Franklin, was a candle maker and his mother was Abiah Folger. (July 2012) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin is the traditional name for the unfinished record of his own life written by Benjamin Franklin from 1771 to 1790; however, Franklin himself appears to have called the work his Memoirs. Benjamin Franklin died at age 84, on April 17, 1790. Benjamin Franklin, also called Ben Franklin, pseudonym Richard Saunders, (born January 17 [January 6, Old Style], 1706, Boston, Massachusetts [U.S.]—died April 17, 1790, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.), American printer and publisher, author, inventor and scientist, and diplomat. Benjamin Franklin: Benjamin Franklin was a statesman, diplomat, writer, scientist, and inventor. In 1727, when Franklin was 27 years old, he established a club called “Junto” or “Leather Apron Club.”.” The two young men enjoyed the theatre and the other pleasures of the city, including women. He nurtured his appearance and reputation “I took care not only to be in reality industrious and frugal but to avoid all appearances of the contrary”. Benjamin Franklin was also a scientist. Author of. This legacy is framed and hanged in many newsroom walls in America. Franklin was also a founder of the Pennsylvania Hospital, built for those who could not afford care, he built institutions for the mentally disabled, a lending library, fire corps and insurance. Benjamin Franklin was America’s scientist, inventor, politician, philanthropist and business man. Way University Professor and Professor of History, Brown University. Benjamin Franklin biography for elementary students - this is the first part of a 6 part benjamin franklin biography. His training as a craftsman made him more accomplished as an inventor. He was accused as a royalist but when the time came he stood up for freedom becoming one of the Founding Fathers. One of the foremost of the Founding Fathers, Franklin helped draft the Declaration of Independence and was one of its signers, represented the United States in France during the American Revolution, and was a delegate to the Constitutional Convention. In the 1740s, he conducted experiments that contributed to the understanding of electricity, and invented the lightning rod, which protected buildings from fires caused by lightning. At 12 he was apprenticed to his brother James, a printer. The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin by Benjamin Franklin is another version of Benjamin Franklin’s autobiography. However, this reversal was to be short-lived. Benjamin Franklin died on April 17, 1790, at the ripe age of 84. Benjamin Franklin won fame as a writer, a publisher, a scientist, and an inventor. Finding a bakery, he asked for three pennies’ worth of bread and got “three great Puffy Rolls.” Carrying one under each arm and munching on the third, he walked up Market Street past the door of the Read family, where stood Deborah, his future wife. Updates? Benjamin Franklin was born on January 17, 1706, in Boston in what was then known as the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Unlike the other Founding Fathers, Franklin began as an artisan, with only two years of formal education, and was the architect of his own fortune. Franklin not only printed the paper, but often contributed pieces to the paper under aliases. By 1726 Franklin was tiring of London. At Keith’s suggestion, Franklin returned to Boston to try to raise the necessary capital. Please select which sections you would like to print: Corrections? And when further taxes wer… Franklin was chosen as an ambassador to England in the dispute over taxes. However he was rooted in reality and always acknowledging his background and, as in the opening of his will and testament, referring himself as “B.F. For one so young to assume the persona of a middle-aged woman was a remarkable feat, and Franklin took “exquisite Pleasure” in the fact that his brother and others became convinced that only a learned and ingenious wit could have written these essays. Saw him and “ thought I made, as I certainly did, a soap maker, did! With political leaders as well as continuing his scientific experiments and musical studies had 16 siblings, but seemed! A writer, scientist, and inventor overall in the same period he read Spectator... Of choice, they are not morally responsible for their actions students learn... Franklin genius is centered on the use of his own, he gave it up accomplished as ambassador. 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