His 1844 essay “The Poet” may now seem hidebound and nativist, but through Whitman he made our literature post-colonial. The published version of the book alters the chronology, making the end of the marriage come a year after the birth of his child with Blackwood, instead of months before. He had bought her portrait. The only thing standing in the way of their divorce is a deed to their home in Maine, which Lowell seems reluctant to sign over to Hardwick. She refuses to continue to be humiliated. So it’s quite a moment. Though footnotes in The Dolphin Letters record Lowell’s borrowings, most passages that the poems put into quotations—seemingly taken word for word from Hardwick—can’t be found in the letters at all. He admitted to his publisher Robert Giroux that the letters in the book were only “versions” “made up of a mixture of quotes, improvisation, paraphrase.” This edition could have clarified exactly what Lowell filched and what he fabricated, showing more plainly if the gains in art were worth the loss of fidelity. The Dolphin Letters, 1970–1979: Elizabeth Hardwick, Robert Lowell and Their Circle: Lowell, Robert, Hardwick, Elizabeth, Hamilton, Saskia: Amazon.sg: Books All are interesting in their secret access to what Lamb abhorred, that cesspit of the artist’s workshop. The two versions of The Dolphin are either too much or not enough. Try Prime EN Hello, Sign in Account & Lists Sign in Account & Lists Orders Try Prime Cart. She also refuses to do what comes more easily to others who are feeling it and judging it, which is to excoriate Lowell and cut him off. All rights reserved. . Lowell could fairly be represented by no fewer than a dozen or two poems. Obviously I’m not an equal [laughs]. Lowell first married the novelist Jean Stafford, whose face he ruined by driving the family Packard into a brick wall, probably blind drunk. The Dolphin Letters would be enlightening and rage-inducing enough had there been nothing more to say. Coming of age during the Depression, they seemed the country’s homegrown Sturm und Drang, overblessed with the muses’ gifts, turning inward as Emerson had hoped. Notebook grew like Topsy; and soon there were three Topsies. Can't recommend this one highly enough. Lamb said of these draft pages that he wished the librarians “had thrown them in the Cam.”. She stays true to both things. You tease the sick as if theirthey were your friends; your suit laziesis lazied to grease. She perhaps did not realize that for the previous six months, while teaching at Harvard, he’d been sleeping with one of his students. And that new woman—, In the published version (now titled “Voices”), this becomes. Very few poets have wrestled with that gift—Shakespeare, Donne, Milton, Keats, and more recently Geoffrey Hill, at a start. your clowning makes visitors want to call a taxi. In the following years, Lowell married the writer and aristocrat Caroline Blackwood, while Hardwick continued with her work as a critic at the New York Review of Books—a publication born at hers and Lowell’s dining table during the New York newspaper strike in 1963—and as a professor at Barnard and Columbia. On The Dolphin, its source material, and recent editions thereof. Get the latest chatter, from Kensington Palace and beyond, straight to your inbox. Poet Robert Lowell (Photo by Steve Schapiro/Corbis via Getty Images) The Dolphin Letters, 1970–1979 collects the bulk of the correspondence between Robert Lowell and Elizabeth Hardwick during the torturous years when the writers separated, divorced, and briefly reunited, before Lowell died suddenly in 1977. Hamilton spoke with Vanity Fair by phone from her office in Barnard Hall—the same building where Hardwick herself used to have an office. Hardwick was also producing a lot of writing during this time, essays and reviews for Vogue and the New York Review of Books (which she helped found in 1963), not to mention the pieces that would become her great novel Sleepless Nights (1979). Half-a-dozen years into his marriage to Hardwick, he had shocked Elizabeth Bishop by confessing that asking her to marry him was “the might have been[,] . It’s Newton’s fourth law. And—that must have been in her special nature somehow. The reviewer of The Dolphin Letters in The New York Times claimed that the “letters, of course, belonged to Lowell. A collection of sonnets that describe hospitalization for mental illness and the aftermath of … Lowell remains one of the great autobiographical poets; but in his finest poems he’s usually more observer than observed. This bifocal version of The Dolphin gives us nothing like that. I have that feeling whenever I read her letters after The Dolphin was published…. And out of fairness to her, we also wanted to represent her voice as though she wasn’t just locked in this marital conversation. Years later, she reached out to Hardwick to ask permission to edit a collection of Lowell’s letters, and Hardwick agreed. I was interested in how they were talking to others about what they were talking about between themselves. Just as a social gesture. Lowell could draw meaning out of almost nothing. Lowell was born to United States Navy Cmdr. You must leave that parasitic life and come home.” Months later, she was still beside herself: “We can’t bear your photographs, anything. The cost of Lowell’s use of Hardwick’s letters was severe. I’m curious about what it was like to track the ebb and flow of their relationship throughout those difficult years. When I was troubled in mind, you made for my body Free shipping for many products! I will never go into the workshop of any great artist again. This is not my diary, my confession, not a puritan’s too literal pornographic honesty, glad to share private embarrassment, and triumph. He is best known for his volume Life Studies (1959), but his true greatness as an American poet lies in the astonishing variety of his work. The path to "The Dolphin" was perilous. He’s a flawed person, of course. The backlash came, first from friends who had been given the manuscript, and later from critics, because he’d used Hardwick’s pained, heartbroken letters in the poems, used them but also altered and rewritten them at will. Hapless, soul-crushing, he vandalized some and merely damaged others. This massive collection of letters reads like an epistolary novel, one in many ways unfinished, a great mansion under construction when the money ran out. Stony Brook had approached her that spring about buying the papers and made an attractive offer. 5.0 … As a reader of our efforts, you have stood with us on the front lines in the battle for culture. The subject is the author’s third marriage, the son it produced, and the response to these matters by his previous wife of 20 years. Through May and half of June, the poet kept shilly-shallying about his return to New York; his wife grew anxious, having been through so many of his manic episodes before. The Dolphin was, inevitably, controversial but not because it violated Lowell’s earlier plea that the poems were “not a puritan’s too literal pornographic honesty,” which made it little different from those in Life Studies. Fussy touching up here and there makes little difference to the whole, less the mark of Lowell’s drive toward artistic brilliance than a sign of perpetual insecurity. As he entered his sixth decade in 1970, Lowell … Most variants, fixing typos and making small adjustments to wording, seem just housekeeper’s taskwork. The Dolphin is ravaged autobiography, no doubt in service of the truth beneath truth; but what about the collateral damage? Dolphin by Robert Lowell. By Alfred Eisenstaedt/The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images. What did you notice about the voice that came across in her letters? . I recently came upon a little letter she wrote to me on some small matter, I can’t remember what it was. Both writers had a vicious gift for simile and metaphor, he saying that “flying is like six hours of giving blood,” she describing him as an “invalid Archbishop.” Ventriloquism would have been a small step. When Lowell began their affair, Blackwood was divorced from the painter Lucian Freud and finished with her marriage to the composer Israel Citkowitz. In the midst of this mess, Lowell continued to revise Notebook. That new creature. Click here for the lowest price! It comes back to this question of composure, of self-composure, and the refusal to really be a cliché. All the writing about herself and about Lowell and her thoughts on biography in general, and life writing, and memoir, and fiction. Paperback. A title index would have helped the impatient reader, as would cross-references to The Dolphin Letters, whose own index is inadequate. But instead it’s the kind of extraordinary act of composure that we see in the creation of their work. And then it is all indeed on the eve of the publication of The Dolphin. The king and queen of Spain are shrunken, ghastly spirits in a mirror; the artist is the giant in the room. The correspondence between one of the most famous couples of twentieth-century literature The Dolphin Letters offers an unprecedented portrait of Robert Lowell and Elizabeth Hardwick during the last seven years of Lowell''s life (1970 to 1977), a time of personal crisis and creative innovation for both writers. The omissions, which are unaccountable, make Blackwood an outsider, beyond the circuit of The Dolphin Letters, which gives only a partial view of the emotional extortions present and fails to document the juddering desperation of Lowell’s last months. Hardwick had desperately wanted to see her original letters; after Lowell’s death, when they came into Bidart’s possession, he pushed them under his bed and never told her. Will be used in accordance with our Privacy Policy. Ad Choices. T. S. Eliot, by contrast, didn’t mind all sorts of earth-moving and monument-razing while he worked upon a poem; but after he was done he was done, his further thoughts limited to rare touches of correction or improvement, like a knife sharpener knocking burr off a blade. Their styles share a marital intimacy, the more disturbing as The Dolphin is a book about marital infidelity. In September 1977, Lowell returned again to New York. Their moments of triumph during the twenty-year campaign of the Vietnam War, when Robert Lowell appeared on the cover of Time, look thinner and more harried now. Hardwick believed—Lowell had told her—that her side of the correspondence from the Dolphin era had been lost or destroyed. your clowning makes us want to vomit—you bore, bore, bore the friends who want to keep  wished to save your image. When the poet Robert Lowell published The Dolphin in 1973, it caused a scandal. Delmore Schwartz, that enfant terrible once called the American Auden, has vanished from some anthologies altogether. What Hardwick says to Lowell in one letter and what she says to Mary McCarthy in another—with a very different angle on what she’s experiencing—is fascinating. . But it’s not too easy to also just reject him for having behaved so cavalierly with other people’s feelings. Hardwick’s description of her estranged husband is indelible: “He is such a childish torturer—that little side look of malice he gives you—and so spooky, more and more. It is degrading, unnecessary and quite destructive for me to keep writing to someone who doesn’t care for me or for his daughter.” Lowell remained blithe and callous, seemingly unaware of a cruelty made worse by lassitude. J. D. Salinger stopped publication of a book whose author had quoted from his letters without permission, and he intended never to grant permission. There’s a moment, even so, where every improvement creates an equal amount of destruction. She wrote Elizabeth Bishop that the poems “hurt me as much as anything in my life” and was scathing to his publishers. His beloved cousin Harriet Winslow had given the couple her summer house in Castine, Maine, but deeded it to Hardwick, who later explained that Winslow thought Lowell “too unstable to take care of the property.”. 2The Dolphin: Two Versions, 1972–1973, by Robert Lowell, edited by Saskia Hamilton; Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 195 pages, $18 (paper). She knows you’re going to be there one day. When Lowell wanted someone to help him press forward with revisions, he called on Frank Bidart, his Man Friday. L ife is raw, but we expect literature to be properly cooked. A collection of sonnets that describe hospitalization for mental illness and the aftermath of a long relationship, it was published just after Lowell had left his wife of 23 years, the critic and novelist Elizabeth Hardwick. Still, Jarrell died at fifty-one; Schwartz, fifty-two; Roethke, fifty-five; Berryman, fifty-seven; and Lowell, sixty. The Dolphin is a classic that you can read over and over without getting tired of it. And yet. They were worried about avoiding the more gossipy take someone could make on the letters.” Hamilton ultimately spent close to a decade tracking down correspondence from the couple’s many friends and colleagues, crafting as full a narrative of those years as possible of the most trying—and fruitful—years of their lives. Hardwick received a cable that read, “personal difficulties make trip to new york impossible right away.” Soon she suspected that Lowell was in love with some passing fancy, but not until the end of June did she recognize the seriousness of the affair. . It’s clear from Ian Hamilton’s biography Robert Lowell (1982) that the poet was still terribly in love with Blackwood but just couldn’t live with her. When she died in 2007, however, Lowell's literary executor Frank Bidart called the family with a stunning announcement. . . That’s what I find so interesting and surprising. as if they might have been otherwise, and just as good! . the other life that might have been had.” The connection between marrying genius and impostor syndrome might deserve study—but so might the link between marrying beauty and a Napoleon complex. $16.64. IF you were given permission—IF you hadn’t changed them . not a chronicle or almanac; many events turn up, many others of equal or greater reality do not. There was, as it happens, a great deal more to say, because in the aftermath of the separation Lowell took to poems. Last month, Hamilton published The Dolphin Letters, 1970–1979: Elizabeth Hardwick, Robert Lowell, and Their Circle, along with a new, previously unpublished manuscript version of The Dolphin. With the loss of her teaching, Hardwick had been reduced to writing short reviews for Vogue, a magazine she despised. But if you were just looking at it from the point of view of the plot—what they write themselves of their own reading and their thoughts and their experiences and their feelings, is just so complexly human. Robert Lowell - 1917-1977 My Dolphin, you only guide me by surprise, a captive as Racine, the man of craft, drawn through his maze of iron composition by the incomparable wandering voice of Phèdre. In preparing his true first book, Lord Weary’s Castle (1946), which won the Pulitzer Prize, he radically reworked and judiciously fiddled with poems from Land of Unlikeness (1944), the limited edition that introduced him. on weeds, then lift his greedy snout and listen; then back to speedy feeding. That work resulted in The Letters of Robert Lowell (2005), and later, with Thomas Travisano, the correspondence between Lowell and his good friend Elizabeth Bishop. The Dolphin Letters, 1970-1979: Elizabeth Hardwick, Robert Lowell, and Their Circle Elizabeth Hardwick. Every poet needs a contrary voice, a critic who can stand outside the poems and risk shouting, “Ridiculous!” or “You’ve got to be kidding!” Yet Lowell’s revisions became a kind of madness, compulsive reworkings without the trappings of art—and Bidart seemed to egg him on. So, I think that reading her letters alongside her incredible essays and Sleepless Nights, that’s how you get the whole picture of this extraordinary body of work that she created. To show up for the letter, and treat it like a real piece of writing. . . Paperback, 9780374511951, 0374511950 To read the book would have been little better than finding that your ex has been posting nude pictures of you all over the web. After Lowell's death, his wife Blackwood had entrusted Bidart with Hardwick’s letters; he had placed them on deposit with Lowell's papers at Harvard University. You left and I was left with this. This article originally appeared in The New Criterion, Volume 38 Number 6, on page 4 Copyright © 2021 The New Criterion | www.newcriterion.com https://newcriterion.com/issues/2020/2/lowells-dolphin, Topics:Robert Lowell, Elizabeth Hardwick, Poetry, The Dolphin, Caroline Blackwood, personal difficulties make trip to new york impossible right away, The Dolphin Letters, 1970–1979: Elizabeth Hardwick, Robert Lowell, and Their Circle, https://newcriterion.com/issues/2020/2/lowells-dolphin. And it also helps move the narrative along so there doesn’t need to be a dull editorial interjection. Robert Lowell was an American poet, best known for winning the ‘National Book Award’ for his book of poetry titled ‘Life Studies.’ Born to a military commander father in Massachusetts, he was a violent kid who bullied other children. Some lines might, of course, have been drawn from conversations or letters now missing—or just cut from whole cloth. The rupture of a stable literary marriage, however, cuts into the moral matter of our culture, confounding the rumor that poets and novelists are too high-minded to fall for the come-hither smile or smoky glance. . It can be in her own voice, telling the story from a different angle, instead of having an editor come in and try and do it. What a shrink would make of such sublime passive-aggression can be guessed. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for The Dolphin: Two Versions, 1972-1973 by Robert Lowell. “The thing that was most difficult, perhaps, for the family was that Hardwick didn’t have the chance to make her own decision about what to do with her letters,” said Hamilton. I think she acts out of a great deal of strength. 560 pages. 1The Dolphin Letters, 1970–1979: Elizabeth Hardwick, Robert Lowell, and Their Circle, edited by Saskia Hamilton; Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 504 pages, $50. as if their words were mortal, alterable, displaceable at pleasure! Sign up for our daily newsletter and never miss a story. There are so many beautiful letters there. (Day by Day [1977] became the title of the poet’s final and weakest book.) In the second printing he had altered a few poems, adding three new ones; in 1970, he brought out a new edition further revised, and enlarged to nearly four hundred poems. As with Berryman, some of the things he wrote would offend later sensibilities: in one letter, “I’ve hardly met the real Lesbian storm troops, but I think they talk like hysterical Negroes and other fanatics.”. Having pulled up to the building, the cabbie found Lowell slumped in the back seat, holding a flat parcel wrapped in brown paper. Pretty Monsters Kelly Link. The Dolphin Letters, 1970-1979: Elizabeth Hardwick, Robert Lowell, and Their Circle edited by Saskia Hamilton. Lowell died at sixty, which seems old to the young and young to the old. And she’s trying to say, Look, you left this here. Hardcover. There’s no laundry dirtier than laundry dumped at the end of a marriage—when a literary couple comes to blows, the air is full of pummeling haymakers. To see your words rewritten or simply invented—isn’t that a great deal more insulting to another writer? Lowell apparently worried that she would destroy them; but, as the editor notes, Bidart could have given her copies. The poet continued on to Oxford, where he had accepted a fellowship at All Souls College, which admits no undergraduates—“a club,” the poet called it, “dressed up as a college.” His letters home were slow in coming. Like she treated every piece of writing. . She does offer two letters from Blackwood that Lowell mercilessly filleted for a pair of sonnets and, in footnotes, fragments of others, as well as three brief and inconsequential telegrams from Lowell. That the most original poet of his generation—the most brilliant we’ve had in the century since the modernists (Berryman was brilliant, but not always in his poetry)—was also among the most troubled, the least stable, the poet most likely to be voted bad company when drunk (Schwartz, Berryman, and Bishop would have been in the running) proves nothing about poetry and little about Lowell. And she just refuses, in the period that follows the breakup, the position that might be expected of the heroine of this plot. Despite occasional acts of genius, the revisions are rarely better than the original line. Poets ever since have labored under the delusion that art is life and life, art—and that poetry begins and ends, in our mealy-mouthed language, in the poet’s truth. The generation of American poets born between Teddy Roosevelt’s inauguration and the end of World War I proved neither as varied nor as innovative as the radical talents born to the Gilded Age. He might have come down with a touch of the syndrome, too. $9.89. The disaster that ended Lowell’s second marriage began benignly in the spring of 1970 when Hardwick returned to New York after a trip to Italy with Lowell and their teenage daughter, Harriet. Charles Lamb’s revulsion at seeing the drafts of Lycidas came from realizing that the words had not fallen upon the page like some ineradicable and incorruptible heavenly dew. . What Hardwick didn’t know was that, at a party a few days after his arrival in England, before he’d even made his way to Oxford, Lowell had renewed his acquaintance with the younger woman who became his Dolphin, and who until then had been seeing the editor of The New York Review of Books. Beginning in November 1975, he suffered numerous hospitalizations—an overdose of lithium, at least two manic episodes, and a bout of congestive heart failure—to say nothing of the sprees of odd behavior, like announcing in a restaurant that he was the king of Scotland. Like a slowly collapsing building, the marriage fell apart, the divorce offering its own drama of unhealed wounds, their legal wrangling a replay of the couple’s separation, Grand Guignol this time rather than Drury Lane melodrama. Hardwick, even before the affair, had proposed that Lowell sell his archive, then cluttering up his unused study. In almost every poem, sometimes every line, there’s the tremor of language used as language rarely is—Lowell could draw meaning out of almost nothing. Despite everything, Hardwick and Lowell stayed in touch, and in 1976 they began to reconcile. Lowell recites this almost word for word: “I’m watching a scruffy, seal-colored woodchuck graze. Lowell was an inveterate reviser, which is not quite the same as a golfer taking more than his share of mulligans. And the same is true, of course, for Lowell. But art just isn’t worth that much.”) He had the arrogance of a writer who carelessly seized whatever he needed. . Charles Lamb was famously appalled when he gazed on the drafts of Milton’s Lycidas in the library at Trinity College, Cambridge and saw that the poem had been delivered to the poet, not complete by the angel Gabriel, but rather haphazardly through second and third thoughts. She died three decades later, never learning that he’d handed the packet to Harvard with a note restricting access until her death. No final decades of efflorescence ; and Lowell were having with one another more observer observed. As studies. royalties were not negligible, and their Circle Elizabeth Hardwick that also ungathered. Studies. great deal more might have been drawn from conversations or letters now missing—or cut! His belongings back to her apartment poems '' by Robert Lowell, in! Navy Cmdr Jarrell has been reduced to writing short reviews for Vogue, great. That letter to me—I was just this young researcher he took a taxi his! 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