The sources of cost advantage may include economies of scale, a particular proprietary technology, preferential access to raw materials, and other factors. The management of Crossroads Inc should constantly monitor the latest development in the field of pharmaceuticals and should design its various development programs accordingly. It is the objective of strategy and it is also the combination of elements in the business model which enables a business to better meet and satisfy the needs of its customers by offering greater value. However these reports must be submitted to HR Department. advantage is simply a competitive advantage that lasts for a longer period of calendar All these effort require skilful, trained and experienced workforce. Free resources to assist you with your university studies! activities.1 The same is true for pharmaceuticals industry. Firms use their resources to improve organizational effectiveness and efficiency. Wal-Mart has adopted cost leadership strategy to achieve competitive advantage in the market. 1. Researchers in the field of strategic HR have emphasised that human resource practices result in superior organisational performance and create sources for continued competitive advantages (Wright, Dunford, & Snell, 2001). From simple essay plans, through to full dissertations, you can guarantee we have a service perfectly matched to your needs. Resources are the assets, capabilities, processes, information, and knowledge that an organization controls. Organizations can achieve a competitive advantage by using their resources to provide greater value for customers than competitors can. The diamond The supply of outside candidates according to their company requirements. Human Resource Management 38(2) , 111-118. * Firms can obtain a competitive advantage by implementing value-creating strategies, not simultaneously being implemented by any current competitor. Fewer inputs (hops, rice, barley, etc.) These advantages need to be…show more content… An airline should be looking at ways to further increase differentiation, which intern affects an airlines competitive advantage. (Prior to the iTunes store, the only means of acquiring digital music was illegal file swapping.) Resources are critical to organizational strategy because they can help companies create and sustain an advantage over competitors.3 Every organization’s corporate strategies are focused at developing a sustainable competitive advantage that will allow the company to continuously maintain and improve the enterprise’s competitiveness in the industry it is in. " Strategy is the creation of unique and valuable position involving a different set of This firm put more attention to its various stakeholders including employee and management. These strategies need to be rare, valuable, and non-substitutable. The report finds and recommends that the implementation of the tools by a player in its analysis of the diamond industry would ensure the SCA it seeks. Sustainable competitive advantage is a very important factor in determining the success of any Professional Sports team. A Sustainable Competitive Advantage Essay. ...Jay Barney and Michael E. Training by concerned department Manager. Nkiruka Chidia Maduekwe Crossroads Inc. develops and produces medicines for the global market in competition with industry giants such as Bosch, Pfizer, Lilly, gsk etc. viewpoint in regard to sustainable competitive advantage. A firm is said to have competitive advantage when it is implementing a strategy which is Once the forecast is developed and approved by the top management, the HR department of Crossroads Inc should start recruitment and selection process to fill the vacancies. Fast turnaround so planes are in the air longer According to Losey technology is advancing so rapidly that it is forcing organisations to change their strategies, in respect to product mix and the way HR is organized and delivered (Losey, 2005). Looking for a flexible role? Coff argues that human capital is the key to sustainable advantage because of causal ambiguity and systematic information creating them incomparable (Coff, 1994). Registered office: Venture House, Cross Street, Arnold, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG5 7PJ. Job & Task Analysis: What is the best way to do analysis? The competition must not be able to do it right away or it is not sustainable. Wal-Mart Stores Inc. is one of such companies in the retail sector that has achieved sustainable competitive advantage over a period of time. In some cases it should cover a week and sometimes it should be extended up to 6 months. Building on these underlined assumption this dissertation the link between a firm’s success and the competitive advantage. All these people will get together in the future, for the sake of the new company. According to a competitive advantage is an attribute that allows a company to outperform its competitors. A sustainable competitory advantage occurs when an organisation acquires or develops an property or combination of properties that allows it to surpass its rivals. Sustainable competitive advantage is an edge a firm enjoy over its competitors by offering superior values to customer that result in superior profit and growth. The Professional Devlopment: Creating the Future Creators at the University of Michigan Business School. The performance appraisal system in the company will help the organization to better focus its efforts on the attainment of the organizational goals and objectives by giving timely feedback regarding an individual employee that how best he is going to achieve his objectives. It now more difficult to hire and retain highly qualified associates as the growth and profitability of the organization depends on how well the organization managed it human resources. The report shall examine the five forces together with the macro-environment factors. Every functional department of Crossroads Inc should be responsible for carrying out and preparing its performance appraisal report. The easy-to-understand site came with free downloadable software customers could use to organize and manage their digital music library.4 Starbucks Coffee shops are almost always strategically placed to ensure a competitive advantage. Organizational Behavior. It is for this reason organization plan and forecast for human resource so as to remain competitive. These properties can include entree to natural resources or entree to extremely trained and skilled forces human resources. Porter (1996) emphasizes that management tools such as benchmarking, outsourcing, partnering, and engineering have drastically taken the place of strategy. In the interest of the new company, all of these two should change their pay and reward system. ABSTRACT: This report seeks to analyse the diamond industry from a global point of view. That is the possession of HR knowhow which comes from knowing the concepts, communication skills, judgment, research, and practices ofHR (Brockbank, Ulrich, & Beatty, 1999). The Company is not responsible and will not report to any third parties due to unauthorized utilization of Essay About Sustainable Competitive Advantage its works. USA: Prentice Hall. Every organization’s corporate strategies are focused at developing a sustainable competitive advantage that will allow the company to continuously maintain and improve the enterprise’s competitiveness in the industry it is in. Human Resource Function Competencies in European Companies. How Wal-Mart has gained sustainable competitive advantage This sophisticated technology --in the sense of experience, know-how and mass investment -- made it very difficult for competitors to imitate or neutralize Wal-Mart’s competitive... ...Introduction The report also discusses how Wal-Mart is taking lead on environmental sustainability by investing in solar power plants, offering environment friendly products in its various stores and encouraging recycling of different products. Competitive advantage can be defined as a means by which a firm manages to keep making money, add value by providing distinct products and sustain its position against its competitors. It helps to attract large number of people (stakeholders) with its unmatchable elements. Sustainable competitive advantage is an edge a firm enjoy over its competitors by offering superior values to customer that result in superior profit and growth. With the help of this attribute a company can achieve its superlative goals and can create a brand image about its products as well. This includes: According to Newman and Hodgetts development is the process of “providing associates with the experience and attitudes needed for success in the future” (Newman & Hodgetts, 2005). If staff is required then the company should try to find them inside the company by upgrading their employees if it not possible then new jobs are created and fill by the outside market. During the years, Wal-Mart developed a technological superiority that provided the company with almost real-time information about inventory, suppliers and buyers. ...Sustainable Competitive Advantage The pay and reward system of Tradco that was a family-owned business by MacHutton, was largely focus to meet the needs of staff, so the workforce regard as main stakeholders in the company, and to be an important role in the company as well. Strategy For Sustainable Competitive Advantage Management Essay. 1. By this was the HR department will not only transmit the needed knowledge and skills to various employees but will also pave the way for the change management process. Providing training or take other actions to address identified needs. A competitive advantage is what enables a business organization to thrive and to offer a superior service over and above its competitors. Only quality papers here. Moreover, it requires to avoid the pitfalls of either of the strategies while their implementation process. 301 certified writers online. The overall aims of the recruitment and selection process in Crossroad Inc should be to obtain, at minimum cost, the number and quality of employees required to satisfy the needs of staff requirement. The top management of the newly merged company must admit that union is a necessary and vital component of the organization process, they should talk with unions. Red river college has a competitive advantage over the non- degree awarding colleges while: This can be supported and discussed through the four criteria of a sustainable competitive advantage which are valuable, rare, difficult to imitate and difficult to subsitute. Huge assortment of examples to help you write an essay. A company can gain a cost advantage by becoming the lowest cost producer in its industry. According to Newman and Hodgetts, “training is the process of providing associates with specific skills or helping them correct deficiencies in their current performance (Newman & Hodgets, 2005). (Barney, 1989). The strategic advantage one business... ...necessarily be a competitive advantage but it becomes a basis to develop sustainable competitive advantages. Hence, the HR department assume a leading role in shaping the values of employees by creating an organization-wide culture that is based on shared values that will help the organization to realize its mission in the most coherent way. The core of their success was defined by their technological superiority and the way Wal-Mart treats her associates (customers, employees and suppliers). Indirectly the promotions, transfer to other department also plays a key role in employees’ job satisfaction. It is the firm’s ability to continually and consistently sustain the particular strategy that gives it a superior advantage over a period of time. No plagiarism, guaranteed! Company Registration No: 4964706. Human Assets and organziation Control: Implication of the resource-based view. To export a reference to this article please select a referencing stye below: If you are the original writer of this essay and no longer wish to have your work published on then please: Our academic writing and marking services can help you! Along with these training programs, Crossroads Inc should make their employees fully aware of their job requirements by mean of job descriptions so that they can develop a clear picture about at what are necessary requirement of their job and want are not. ...When a company’s profits consistently exceed the average for its industry, the company is said to possess a sustainable competitive advantage over its rivals. The paper “Sustainable Competitive Advantage” is a delightful example of a literature review on management. Study for free with our range of university lectures! Regarding the competitive advantage life For this purpose Crossroad Inc should scan internal environment to find out suitable employee and promote to fill the vacancy, if there are no such employees available, then HR Department should scan external environment for skilled and experienced employees. Sustainable competitive advantageIt is the ability consistently to adapt to environmental changes, accomplished only through identification, development, and preservation of strategic capabilities (Bartmess and Cerny, 1993). Sustainable Competitive Advantage (SCA) is a corporate strategy’s focal point and it is present. ...THE DYNAMIC DIAMOND INDUSTRY: IS IT FEASIBLE FOR ITS PLAYERS TO GAIN SUSTAINABLE COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE? Get the Flashcards Take a Marketing Quiz  Sam Walton was the founder of Wal-Mart. Ignoring the development of technology is the main problem. August 26, 2017 Management. As an industry whose product derives its value from the perception of its consumers, what is the feasibility for the players in the industry to gain sustainable competitive advantage? An organisation is regarded as a unified organism that constantly learns and adopts to find better ways of doing its business processes in response to the dynamic environment it faces. Robbins, & Judge. Identification of competency needs for personnel performing activities affecting quality. It is important to note that being a low cost company is not the same as being a low price company. According to the resource-based theory of a firm, there are two characteristics that resources must have to maintain sustainability of the firm’s competitive advantage: The advantage persists because competitors are held back by an investment asymmetry: they would suffer a penalty if they tried to imitate the leader. Each & every consecutive day new research product is developed, deployed for trails & testing. International Review of Business Research Papers 3(1) , 1-10. Peters and Waterman in their book “In search of excellence” says that all the excellent organisations that they have surveyed made efficient use of their HR, by employing sound HR strategies (Peter & Waterman, 1982). Porter, two leading strategy theorists, in-turn explaining the basis leading to the In addition, in order to give a balanced view, the report will seek to discuss the effect the chaos theory can have in attaining Sustainable Competitive Advantage (SCA) and the importance of stakeholder management to SCA for the firms in the diamond industry. This enables the organization to stand strong despite competition or saturation of the market over a long time. The cost leadership strategies are helping Wal-Mart to reduce its cost of operations and thus enjoy higher profits as well as the larger market share. Human Resource and the Resource Based View of the Firm. Future of Human Resource Management: Leaders Explore the Critical HR Issues of Today and Tommorrow. Our academic experts are ready and waiting to assist with any writing project you may have. Competitive advantage is gained when a firm acquires attributes that allow it to perform at a higher level than others in the same industry. Example is Red River College offering degree and diploma. However the training programs that HARDPHARM has traditionally used have some problems. duplicate the advantages of the strategy have been ceased (Lippman and Rumelt,1982). * Competitive Advantage  1. fig. These professionals make possible the change management, shape and manage organisation wide culture, contribute to strategic level decisions, and create market led connectivity of the business process (Boselie & Paauwe, 2004). The report will employ the Industry analysis tools created by Michael Porter, Prahalad & Hamel. If such sort of feelings arouse in employees it can change the employee’s attitude and their resistance towards the planned change. A sustained competitive Over the years, the understanding of how a firm can attain and maintain sustainable competitive advantage is major area of research in the field of management. To achieve this goal there are some steps which a company needs to maintain: This article will analyze the competitive advantage of Walmart and explain how the company has achieved a sustainable competitive advantage through knowledge and resources. We will write a custom Essay on Walmart’s Competitive Advantage specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page. Every sports team always strives to be the market leader in the competitive sports industry. According to Robbins & Judge, “change agents are individuals and groups who lead and support the change process by taking responsibility for changing the existing behavior patterns of other people or the social system (Robbins & Judge, 2005)”. What is Strategy & Competitive Advantage? 1 (2005). In order to reduce the cost, employers are trying to hire labour in with low wage, and then what they have got is low quality staff. The Crossroads Inc should use the proper remuneration system that is fair to both the company and employee. industry is global in nature. The objective is to provide people with knowledge and skill, which, together with experience, improve their competence and capabilities. The sustainable competitive advantage is rare, valuable, durable and inimitable. how can the current performance be improved? These capabilities and resources made it possible for Wal-Mart to apply the ‘everyday low prices’ strategy. Michael Porter’s Viewpoint... ...Case 8: Sustaining Competitive advantage They have achieved cost leadership by attracting price sensitive customers and offering lowest price consumer goods. However, HaedPharm is a company that established as a facility of a group of venture capitalists. Wright, P., Dunford, B., & Snell, S. (2001). Sustainable Competitive Advantage Essay. Its supply chain pipeline moves from one country to the other, thus making it impossible to analyse the industry from a regional or local angle, as so doing will fail to give the true picture. ... the dynamic DIAMOND industry: is it FEASIBLE for its players to gain sustainable competitive advantage—their unique lineup products... Degree and diploma, top performing firms has HR professionals who have the main problem to! The contrary, unions playing a good role between employer and employee, company... A matter of life & death for organizations of modern age browse sustainable competitive advantage essay. 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