constantine xi speech

“You are well aware that this irreligious Sultan, the enemy of our holy faith, violated for no good reason the peace treaty we had with him and disregarded his numerous oaths without a second thought. This page is offered as a memorial to the Blessed Constantine XI Paleologos, the last Emperor of the East Roman Empire, martyred by the forces of Sultan Mehmet during the assault on The City on May 29, 1453. ( Log Out /  Second, we will be deprived of such famous homeland and of our liberty. When Constantinople’s walls were finally breached, Constantine XI knew there would be no quarter, but he would not flee with the Genoese generals. Battle. Constantine Palaologus XI speaks before his officers and allies before the final push of the siege of Constantinople by the Ottoman Sultan Mehmed Bey. You are aware and know that this City was not only mine but yours too for many reasons. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. “This wretch of a Sultan has besieged our city up to now for fifty seven days with all his engines and strength; he has relaxed the blockade neither day nor night, but, by the grace of Christ, our Lord, who sees all things, the enemy has often been repelled, up to now, from our walls with shame and dishonor. You are protected inside the walls, while they will advance without cover and with toil. Third, our empire, renowned in the past but presently humbled, low and exhausted, will be ruled by a tyrant and an impious man. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Now the diaspora can, 100-year-old man wearing traditional Cretan head piece receives COVID-19 vaccine. Constantine XI Palaiologos was the last Christian Emperor of Constantinople and Byzantium. Even if one gains the entire world but loses his soul in the process, what will it benefit! Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Present your shield, swords, arrows, and spears to them, imagining that you are a hunting party after wild boars, so that the impious may learn that they are dealing not with dumb animals but with their lords and masters, the descendants of the Greeks and the Romans. But you are all familiar with their chattering and I need say no more about it. A little less than five years later in 1453 AD he was killed during the final assaults by the Turkish Sultan, Mehmed II on Constantinopl… Post was not sent - check your email addresses! President of the ‘Greece 2021’ Committee, Gianna Angelopoulos-Daskalaki, announced the release of the official line of licenced commemorative and collectible products. speech by Constantine XI. “For these reasons, my fellow soldiers, prepare yourselves, be firm, and remain valiant, for the pity of God, Take your example from the few elephants of the Carthaginians and how they dispersed the numerous cavalry of the Romans with their noise and appearance. For these reasons, my fellow soldiers, prepare yourselves, be firm, and remain valiant, for the pity of God. I can tell you that this city mastered the entire universe; She placed beneath her feet Pontus, Armenia, Paphlagonia, The Amazonian lands, Cappadocia, Galatia, Media, Georgian Colchis, Bosphoros, Albania, Syria, Cilicia, Mesopotamia, Phoenicia, Palestine, Arabia, Judea, Bactria, Scythia, Macedonia, Thessaly, Boeotia, Locris, Aetolia, Arcarnania, Achaea, the Peloponnese, Epirus, Illyria, Lykhnites, the Adriatic, Italy, Tuscany, the Celts, and Galatian Celts, Spain up to Cadiz, Libya, Mauritania, Ethiopia, Beledes, Scude, Numidia, Africa and Egypt. Why did you cut off a crucial piece of the speach? He knew his city would fall, he knew he would die, he knew all about the past glory of the Roman Empire and that he was in the same line as Caesar, Augustus, Konstantine, Justinian, and he knew that this line would end with him. Where did you get this from? Yet now too, my brothers, feel no cowardice, even if small parts of our fortifications have collapsed from the explosions and engine missiles, as you can see, we made all possible, necessary repairs. He died fighting in the streets of Constantinople. I implore and beg you to exhibit, if you have any affection for me, the proper honor and obedience to your commanders, tribunes, and centurions, each according to his rank, regiment, and duty. This city was an old Greek trading colony on the eastern edge of Europe. Our enemies have none and use no such weapons. Suddenly, he appeared and built his castle in the straights of Asomatosso so he might be able to inflict daily harm on us. Protect your heads with shields in combat and battle. He was trained as a soldier, and in 1430 liberated the peninsula of Morea in Greece, which had been under the Frankish principality of Achaia, a state established by the Crusaders. He befriended the inhabitants of Galata, the wretches rejoice over this, as they are unaware of the parable of the Farmer’s son who was roasting snails and said, “Oh stupid creature,” etc. This wretch of a Sultan has besieged our city up to now for fifty seven days with all his engines and strength; he has relaxed the blockade neither day nor night, but, by the grace of Christ, our Lord, who sees all things, the enemy has often been repelled, up to now, from our walls with shame and dishonour. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. They attempt to frighten us with loud yells and innumerable battle cries. The process of vaccination of over 85 years is progressing smoothly in Crete, Creta Live…, Final speech of the last Byzantine emperor: “Present your shield and sword descendants of Greeks”, ‘Casa Odyssia’ in Corfu overlooks the Ionian Sea, “Greece 2021″ committee releases official memorabilia, Athens and Santorini named two of the ‘Most Instagrammable places in the world for 2021′, The New York Times picked Andros as one of its ’52 Places to Love in 2021′, Olympic star Sofia Bekatorou reveals sex abuse after Sydney Olympics, Voting in the next Greek elections? Citing sources is an obvious requirement. He is not only remembered for being the last Byzantine Emperor who put up a brave last stand against the Ottomans, but also for his last speech to his officers and allies before the Fall of Constantinople on May 29, 1453 by Ottoman Sultan Mehmet II. If yes , it is a shame indeed. Then he put our farms, gardens, parks, and houses to the torch, while he killed and enslaved as many of our Christian brothers as he found; he broke the treaty of friendship. Your helmets, breastplates and suits of armor are fully sufficient together with your other weapons and will prove very effective in battle. You know well that the hour has come: the enemy of our faith wishes to oppress us even more closely by sea and land with all his engines and skill to attack us with the entire strength of this siege force, as a snake about to spew its venom; he is in a hurry to devour us, like a savage lion. I implore you today to become, with all your souls, the defenders of this City caught in the misfortunes of such a war; for you have come to know her as your second homeland and mother forever. Keep your right hand, armed with the sword, extended in front of you at all times. Constantine XI Dragaš Palaeologus (1404–1453): The Last Emperor of Byzantium Before fighting the Ottomans, Emperor Constantine XI addressed his people one last time. A beautiful book, and extremely valuable as long as you are aware of its limitations. The version I have has a lot more after the word camel…about an entire page worth. Nor does the narrative mention that it took 53 days for the Ottoman army of 100,000 to defeat the 10,000 Byzantine defenders. I would be happy to add the missing passage of you send it to me along with its correct location. But I hope that such things will not harm us; I see, greatly rejoice, and nourish with hopes in my mind that even if we are few, you are all experienced and seasoned warriors- courageous, brave, and well prepared. It was once my chief desire, dearest friends, to enjoy the display of your united presence. At the time, Mistra, a fortified town also called Sparta or Lacedaemon due to its proximity to the ancient city,was a center of arts and culture rivalling Constantinople. Fourth, we will be separated from our dearest children, wives and relatives. This is most important of all. I own Norwich’s Byzantium vol 3 and this speech is not in it. Emperor Constantine XI Palaiologos is not only remembered for being the last Byzantine Emperor who put up a brave last stand against the Ottomans, but also for his last speech to his officers and allies before the Fall of Constantinople on May 29, 1453 by Ottoman Sultan Mehmet II. Suddenly, he appeared and built his castle in the straights of Asomatosso he might be able to inflict daily harm on us. Last speech of Constantine XI right before the Fall of Constantinople From what I have gathered, the speech was written down in the Chronicles of his close confidant, the logothete Georgios Sphrantzes, but Sphrantzes' text doesn't seem to be uploaded somewhere. Crying, “The City is lost, but I live,” Emperor Constantine XI stripped and flung off his royal regalia and “spurred on his horse and reached the spot where the Turks were coming in … When Constantinople’s walls were finally breached, Constantine XI knew there would be no mercy, as seen by the three day of mass murder, rape and pillage the Ottoman’s committed after the capture of the city. The last speech of the last Emperor Constantine XI Palaiologos ist a quite haunting "this is our last stand". However, the last emperor of the more than 1,000 year old empire did not flee with the Genoese generals and many civilians to Italy, he instead died fighting in the streets of Constantinople – but not before giving one last epic speech: “Most noble leader, illustrious tribunes, generals, most courageous fellow soldiers and all loyal honest citizens! If one dumb beast put another to flight, we, the masters of horses and animals, can surely even do better against our advancing enemies, since they are dumb animals, worse even than pigs. Then the Ottomans discovered a door ajar to the Kerkoporta Gate. Will you double check the second to last sentence endening in “camel” if you haven’t cut out material? Greeks and Latins alike crowded into the great church to pray together for their deliverance. Fourth, we will be separated from our dearest children, wives and relatives. Know this, too: If you keep my orders in your heart, I hope to God taht we will be delivered from His present, righteous threat. Yet now too, my brothers, feel no cowardice, even if small parts of our fortifications have collapsed from the explosions and engine missiles, as you can see, we made all possible, necessary repairs. ( Log Out /  I hand over to you my glorious, famous, respected, noble city, the shining Queen of Cities, our homeland. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. If God grants victory to the impious because of my own sins, we will endanger our lives for our holy faith, which Christ gave us with his own blood. With the grace and strength granted you by God and with help from our Holy Trinity, in which we have placed all our hope, let us force the enemy to depart from here in shame.”, Other Academic Sources “I know the countless hordes of the impious will advance against us, according to their custom, violently, confidently and with great courage and force in order to overwhelm and wear out our few defenders with hardship. Did you do that on purpose? He is sometimes referred to as Constantine XII, based on the erroneous idea that Constantine Lascaris was crowned in 1204. Take your example from the few elephants of the Carthaginians and how they dispersed the numerous cavalry of the Romans with their noise and appearance. if only he had been Emperor at an earlier time. I will add it in. Constantine’s speech gave new heart to those who heard it. In the midst of tears and sighs he gave thanks to God, and all teh rest, in union answered in sobbing: “Let us die for our faith in Christ and for our fatherland.” The emperor listened and thanked the crowd profusely, pledged many gifts, and added: “Well then my brothers and fellow soldiers, be prepared for the morning. T. D. BARNES; CONSTANTINE'S SPEECH TO THE ASSEMBLY OF THE SAINTS: PLACE AND DATE OF DELIVERY, The Journal of Theological Studies, Volume 52, Issue 1, … They attempt to frighten us with loud yells and innumerable battle cries. First settled in the seventh century B.C., Constantinople developed into a [5] 1492 – The Catholic Monarchs Ferdinand and Isabella enter Granada at the conclusion of the Granada War . Well my brothers, since he started the siege and the blockade, every day he opens his fathomless mouth and is seeking an opportunity to devour us and this city, which thrice-blessed Constantine the Great founded and dedicated to the all holy most chaste Mother of God, our lady, Mary the eternal virgin. The original historical source though is: George Sphrantzes – The Fall of the Byzantine Empire. ( Log Out /  Thanks for agreeing to fix. “Well, my brothers, if we must fight for one of these obligations, we will be even more liable under the command strength of all four; as you can clearly understand. For a long time they will continue so and will also release over us countless rocks, all sorts of arrows and missiles, like the sand of the sea. After establishing himself as the Despot, Constantine worked to strengthen the defence of the Morea, including reconstructing a wall across the Isthmus of Cori… Best, Shame on you for skpping a key part ” the hope and joy of all Hellens”. Now he wants to enslave her and throw the yoke upon the Mistress of Cities, our holy churches, where the Holy Trinity was worshiped, where the Holy Spirit was glorified in hymns, where angels were heard praising in chant the deity of and the incarnation of God’s word, he wants to turn into shrines of his blasphemy, shrines of the mad and false Prophet, Mohammed, as well as into stables for his horses and camels. It had long been under the Frankish principality of 'Achaia' Constantine was crowned Emperor January 6, 1449 AD succeeding his brother. Im at the mercy of the translations I used. Runciman believed in the art of turning history into readable narrative--something he does with remarkable skill--and the result is a book that is powerful and engrossing, but which, by necessity, must elide, simplify, and generally stick to a single narrative perspective. 1449 – Constantine XI is crowned Byzantine Emperor at Mystras. You are protected inside the walls, while they will advance without cover and with toil. I still can’t figure out which book in my library I sourced it from, but I have a copy of Sphrantzes book in PDF. Some have faith in armament, others in cavalry, might and numbers but we believe in the name of our Lord, our God and Saviour, and second, in our arms and strength granted to us by divine power. Keep your right hand, armed with the sword, extended in front of you at all times. At this point, women and children had joined in the defense. I only entrust my humbled scepter to your hands; guard it with good will. Byzantine history is full of incredible Godly men. For a long time they will continue so and will also release over us countless rocks, all sorts of arrows and missiles, like the sand of the sea. You know well, my brothers, that we have four obligations in common, which force us to prefer death over survival: first our faith and piety; second our homeland; third, the emperor anointed by the Lord and fourth; our relatives and friends. Video: Keith Woods – What is The Third Position? Now he wants to enslave her and throw the yoke upon the Mistress of Cities, our holy churches, where the Holy Trinity was worshipped, where the Holy Ghost was glorified in hymns, where angels were heard praising in chant the deity of and the incarnation of God’s word, he wants to turn into shrines of his blasphemy, shrines of the mad and false Prophet, Mohammed, as well as into stables for his horses and camels. In the last speech of the last Roman emperor, Constantine Palaologus XI speaks before his officers and allies as the Mohammedans prepared to … I didnt skip anything. We are placing all hope in the irresistible glory of God. From Eusebius, Life of Constantine III:12. I think i pulled this for Volume 3 of John Julius Norwich’s Byzantium. The last Byzantine Emperor, born in 1404, was a son of Emperor Manuel II Palaeologus (1391-1425) and of Helen Dragash, a Serbian Princess. Does this speech even exist in Sphrantzes' text? You are well aware that this irreligious Sultan, the enemy of our holy faith, violated for no good reason the peace treaty we had with him and disregarded his numerous oaths without a second thought. When Constantinople’s walls were finally breached, Constantine XI knew there would be no quarter, but he would not flee with the Genoese generals. “Most noble … Constantine went around the hall greeting bishops, kissing many on the very wounds that had been caused by Roman persecution. … She became the Queen of Cities, the shield and aid of our homeland, the shelter of Christians, the hope and joy of all wishes to destroy this city, which was once proud and blooming like a rose of the field. I do too. Once more, I ask and beg you to act in this hour as loyal allies, fellow Christians, and brothers.”, Turning to his left, he addressed the Genoese: “Most honored brothers from Genoa, courageous and illustrious warriors! We are placing all hope in the irresistible glory of God. Constantine was the son of Emperor Manuel II. On the morning of May 29, two massive Turkish assaults were successfully repulsed. Highly recommend! “Consider then, my brothers and comrades in arms, how the commemoration of our death, our memory, fame and freedom can be rendered eternal.”, He next turned and addressed the Venetians, who were standing at his right side: “Noble Venetians, my dearest brothers in Christ, courageous men, experienced and seasoned fighters! John Julius Norwich’s three volume history is my favorite and not a single page of it was boring. I did not leave it out as this is not my translation. Constantine's death marked the end of the Byzantine Empire, which traced its origin to Constantine the Great's foundation of Constantinople as the Roman Empire's new capital in 330. Well, my brothers, if we must fight for one of these obligations, we will be even more liable under the command strength of all four; as you can clearly understand. The Siege and the Fall of Constantinople in 1453: Historiography, Topography, and Military Studies, you don’t have a heart if you didn’t cry at this moment. Please confirm if nothing was left out. Although the Turkish state presents the Fall of Constantinople as an epic achievement, their narrative often omits that the Byzantine Empire was in a state of decline since the 1204 Catholic Fourth Crusade that destroyed the city. If one dumb beast put another to flight, we, the masters of horses and animals, can surely even do better against our advancing enemies, since they are dumb animals, worse even than pigs. This was Constantine's opening speech when the bishops began to meet in session at Nicea. Once again, it is time to demonstrate your love in Christ, your bravery, and your excellence in her cause.”, Then he spoke to the combined assembly: “There is no time for longer speeches. She became the Queen of Cities, the shield and aid of our homeland, the shelter of Christians, the hope and joy of all wishes to destroy this city, which was once proud and blooming like a rose of the field. ( Log Out /  Present your shield, swords, arrows, and spears to them, imagining that you are a hunting party after wild boars, so that the impious may learn that they are dealing not with dumb animals but with their lords and masters, the descendants of the Greeks and the Romans. Byzantine Emperor Constantine XI swiftly understood Mehmed's true intentions and turned to Western Europe for help; but now the price of centuries of war and enmity between the eastern and western churches had to be paid. Second, we will be deprived of such famous homeland and of our liberty. Emperor Constantine XI named Giustiniani commander of his land defenses and spent the rest of the winter strengthening the city for a siege. In the 15th century, Constantinople’s walls were widely recognized as the most formidable in all of Europe. Feb 12, 2020 - Constantine Palaologus XI speaks before his officers and allies before the final push of the siege of Constantinople by the Ottoman Sultan Mehmed Bey When Constantinople's walls were finally breached, Constantine XI knew there would be no quarter, but he would not flee with the Genoese generals. Konstantinoupoli is mentioned in the prototype Greek text as : “… the hope and joy of all Hellens”. It was an end of an already dying empire but his speech is very moving and demonstrates the human spirit when set against great odds. I know the countless hordes of the impious will advance against us, according to their custom, violently, confidently and with great courage and force in order to overwhelm and wear out our few defenders with hardship. Change ). Constantine XI Dragases Palaiologos or Dragaš Palaeologus (Greek: Κωνσταντῖνος Δραγάσης Παλαιολόγος, Kōnstantinos Dragasēs Palaiologos; 8 February 1405 – 29 May 1453) was the last Byzantine emperor, reigning from 1449 until his death in battle at the Fall of Constantinople in 1453. For this reason I am imploring you to fight like men with brave souls, as you have done from the beginning up to this day, against the enemy of our faith. Some have faith in armament, others in cavalry, might and numbers but we believe in the name of our Lord, our God and Savior, and second, in our arms and strength granted to us by divine power. Appendix F: Constantine's Speech to the Council of Nicea. I have read it several times and this is a copy I typed from the "Fall of Byzantium" by George Sprantzes. When you say Carroll do you mean Warren H Carroll or a different historian? Constantine became the Despotes of the Morea (the medieval name for the Peloponnesus) in October 1443, ruling from the fortress and palace in Mistra. I must have gotten it mixed up with another book. If not then this is a severely reduced version comparred with Carroll’s translation. Yes you are correct. He befriended the inhabitants of Galata, the wretches rejoice over this, as they are unaware of the parable of the farmer’s son who was roasting snails and said, ‘Oh stupid creature,’ etc. While they will advance without cover and with toil Byzantine defenders of.. Many on the morning of May 29, two massive Turkish assaults successfully!, what will it benefit gotten it mixed up with another book soul. Armor are fully sufficient together with your other weapons and will prove effective! 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constantine xi speech 2021