eating too much fruit side effects

Only eating brown rice fish and vegetables. I have no other problems that you mentioned. This is a very unfair way to characterise the article. Hi I drink lots of hot water with lemon, as well as loads of fruit! This is some really great information. Someone else told me this years ago, and it changed my life. I started with Mango and bananas. I have never had a problem with fruit so far and thankfully I don’t crave sugary stuff. It’s been very frustrating. Hi, I might be eating too much fruit because I really love it and have always had a sweet tooth. "Just because it contains the S-word doesn't make it unhealthy," Bruning said. In brief, any time we eat carbohydrates our blood sugar goes up. One year ago I was diagnosed with C-diff and it was horrible. I love fruit and I consume at least 7 portions a day but not shifting weight like I feel I should. No one is really saying stay away from Apples red or green. Only to find myself in the early hours with a painful stomach and running to the loo. Fruit makes me nervous but happy. thanks again. Going to re think my food intake..feel quite ill at mo…just want the bloating to settle. I’m curious what about coconut milk makes it the best choice. May Cause Diarrhoea And Other Digestive Problems Any thoughts? I cannot!! sometimes I have half an apple, or some berries or a kiwi with plain yoghurt, almonds and flaxseeds. No bloating, diarrhea, exercise 3 days week, walk 2-5 miles 4-5 days week, but cannot lose desired 10 lbs midsection weight. My diet was so bad and I have been eating healthily for the past 10 months but in the last two months my fruit intake has gone sky high. Fruit is a classic trigger for bloating and here’s why. ;I hardly eat any fruit, but I decided to start eating right and bought a bunch of fruit and veggies. Thank you! Ok so after reading this I’m realizing I’m probs a fruit addict…. Peaches are perfectly ripe, apricots are plump, and berries are bursting with flavor. My choices…paleo orsomethimg similiar in the long term, the Daniel diet…without grains beans nuts and seeds in the short term etc . Maybe there are fruits and vegetables with a very low fibre level? It appears monk fruit is safe, including for diabetics. I am constantly bloated, I cannot stop eating, I crave sugar all the time, I am gaining weight, and its overall made me hate fruit but I cannot stop eating it. I am a recent smoothie convert and was concerned about my new Ultra High dose of fruits per day. Yes, it has fiber, which helps a bit, but it’s not enough to prevent a crash in blood sugar after eating fruit. I am one of the many readers who binged on fruit and never thought it to be an issue as I am quite lean, very active and have no problems with my sugar levels. My weight has plateaued as well. Am eating alot of oranges n sugarcane.i don’t think am doing my body a service. I want you to concentrate on healthy proteins and go heavy on the greens”. When I don’t eat I often get shakey working with children in a nursery I need a quick snack. Now I know I’m eating way to much fruit. Thanks for the tips. HELP! Can’t break the addiction cycle! no help. Your only redeeming point was about whole fruit being superior to juice due to the fibre. I wished I had researched this 4 months ago. i just got home from being at the hospital most of the day today as lately, ive had bad pain inbetween my breasts, my stomache area , or heart area. I have IBS D and have had for many many years. It’s the high fat yoghurt and meat that are preventing weight loss, not the fruit. (Made from organic powder in my home). Combining rules. Even today (i’m in my 40’s), after years and kids, I still cannot bring myself to eat less than 4 servings each day, and enjoy my morning smoothies like the smokers enjoy their first cigarette of the day. I may still adjust to reduce my fruit intake and see how that goes. Oh this is fantastic reading I have been eatin loads of fruit and then later on been cravin chocolate and bread. You can’t outrun a bad diet! Thank you! I don’t pretend to create set-in-stone “rules” here. Watermelon contains sorbitol that is a sugar compound, which in moderate quantity is fine. a serving should ONLY be 1/2 a cup!? Or other good recipes for the car in the summer? Normal workday includes about a half cup blueberries on oatmeal, smoothie for lunch with banana, strawberries, POM juice, chia seeds and fat free yogurt. How to eat vegtables only or mostly and be satisfied. I am not able to swollow whole foods. You should consider getting off of that high horse while you’re at it. In fact, heartburn, diarrhea, reflux, and bloating are all potential side effects of eating too much fruit, according to Bruning. 2007. However I have also been formally diagnosed with coeliac disease as confirmed through a gastroscopy and biopsy. I’ve recently cut out potatoes pasta bread cheese biscuit cake pastry and sugar in my tea and coffee. Again thanks for the information and education. EVERY body is unique and it’s great that you handle abundance amounts of fruit..others simply CANNOT. For more info on breakfast, check out this post: I have eaten (now I think) too much fruit for the last few years. If you have fruit by itself as a snack, you might notice that you’re satisfied for 30 minutes or so, but soon after your tummy starts growling. Crazy.. i just googled the subject of side affects of too much fruit and after reading your article was extremely pleased to have my suspicions confirmed. Sometimes a huge bowl of the lot. This is not ideal, disruption to meditation and requiring more sleep is undesirable. I weigh 100 pounds I eat everything healthy and my favourite thing is fruit but my stomach is getting bigger and bigger every year I stopped eating fruit two days ago and I can already see a difference I’ve switched fruit for celery and carrot sticks. Thanks. This was super informative! People are so stopped up with fat and are not able to absorb good food correctly and it “disagrees “ with them. The reason being is its easy to throw some fruit into a lunchbox and cheap (where I stay). Kiwi Fruit Side Effects – Top 10. Ok Lilly. Over the last couple of days I have had severe bloating and pain, so maybe eating maybe 3x the amount of fruit I normally have has caused the symptoms described. It is so true. From diarrhea to my stamina, dizziness and other symptoms that had me down and out. Like what you see here? That’s the only reason I think I’m not feeling a lot worse right now. Excessive fruit intake can also cause stomach upset in some individuals. I eat mostly raw now with one cooked meal per day on the average. A lot of foods I eat are not high in calories, I like to use MFP, but they have points in WW. Since much of the info out there is focused on those just starting to make changes for health, it’s nice to find advice for those of us looking to further improve an already healthy diet and lifestyle. So far my sugar was very good number last year test, before I started a lot of fruit intake. This is an oft-ignored message. I wonder as I get older my body cannot handle all the fruit, as I do seem to be a bit more bloated, but I am so hooked. Very pertinant comments and so helpful. Will this be permanent ? Thanks!!! In my kitchen I always have an overflowing fruit bowl and as I walk by, I pick a pear or orange etc. I originally thought it was the beans, lentils and brown rice I was consuming. recommends at least four servings of fruit each day. A 12oz cup of fruit juice, even freshly squeezed organic OJ, has the same amount of sugar as a can of soda. Ear only fruit veggies nuts seeds. With all of these health benefits, it is not surprising that the American Heart Association recommends at least four servings of fruit each day. And I’m not even overweight so that is not one of my issues. I got on the scale this morning hoping to see the numbers change. Thanks for sharing Lily. A leading-edge research firm focused on digital transformation. with these issues…………..i dont drive and live alone. I know now to cut my fruit by half at least. Goodbye bread. I’m not sure the smoothie is the cause, but I am stopping the fruit smoothie for awhile to see if that is the cause. Welcome to the PNW! Healthy but really do feel bloated and having trouble losing weight. No digestive problems, still losing weight, have good bowel movements. at last, someone who agrees with me. Thanks for the article. I told my husband maybe I am eating too much fruit. Save ’em for later. I am wondering if before or after a workout you can allow yourself to be a little heavier on the fruits to refill the glycogene reserve used during a high intensity workout. Is my diet problematic? I must add, I only use water and protein powders. i just got home and didnt eat anything. So, do your body a favor and eat that apple with some peanut butter, those blueberries with some full-fat Greek yogurt (or homemade, unsweetened whipped cream! I agree that fruit is a healthier alternative to many desserts and junk foods, but if fruit is a staple item at every meal and snack, you may simply be eating too many carbohydrates to allow your body to lose weight. reading this i can now understand my blotting situation lol… i find it hard to loose weight even though i think i eat healthy. After reading this article, I’m thinking that I’ve been consuming too much fruit, YIKES!!!!! I love veges but they don’t fill me up enough. Thanks lily. During this past week I decided to completely eliminate fruit from my diet and instead have vegetables (squash, green beans, cabbage, broccoli). 5’0″ and notice a big difference when I leave fruit alone for even a day. I have been eating a lot of fruit and I have a very bloated stomach by the end of the day. Thank you for your advice. As Bellatti noted, fruit is not a good source of iron or zinc, both of which are crucial components of a healthy diet. I no longer eat refined sugar but I do love my fruit. We were away on a cruise and I realised I wasn’t haven’t the usual problems. Even eating the fruit with “cold foods” like fish, crab or shrimp, will lead to the formation of stone in the stomach. Thanks. I can’t do smoothies however, they can bloat as well whether its fruit or greens. I’m literally fascinated with this article. So yes it wasn’t made for us to eat all the time.. our ancestors did not store fruits nor did they have suppermarkets to run to. I started reading your post thinking: “What? Suddenly I stopped. You may not experience any of these problems, but many people do. it did curb my sugar craving when I drank those, made it a lot easier to handle the highs and lows, I should never have stopped the expense is worth it because I put the weight back on in my mid area and thought I had cut back on all the stuff that was doing that, but I was wrong. Firstly I craved any kind of olives I ate them by the catering tin, each day, and not a lot else, for months and months. . Which of the above do you identify with? It’s horrible to have that at night, so I looked this up here – and you explained, very well, thank you, what I’ve been doing wrong! I love fruit – I could live on fruit! It all makes sense. I don’t seem to ever have any bm problems. The sugar content in fruit is not a huge concern for most healthy adults. My zinc was low several months ago, but since I started taking zinc tablets it has been good. so, now what…………….i wish i had someone to help me really. Thanks for explaining it all so well, This definitely sounds like me. So, hopefully by laying low in the fruit and trying to eat more vegetables I’ll be less dehydrated… let’s see what happens .-. If left to my own devices, my diet would be 80% fruit and the rest raw or steamed veggies, nuts, grains, the occasional soft-boiled egg and dairy (mostly yoghurt and kefir). I do eat veggies 50 lbs. I look after lots of children and the ones who eat a lot of so called healthy food are overweight and often ill whereas the ones who eat more normal type meals with lots of protein, carbs and veggies are healthy and slim and also not so hyper either. I already had eaten about half a kilo in addition to 2 peaches and some melon. I googled this coz I have had an increase in headaches, bad ones! Except for fruit! I lost 23 pounds in 2 months, exercise every day with at least a two mile walk and am starting with a trainer this week at the gym. I am taking around 3000 calories a day so I don’t lose more weight. Yes I knew about how high the sugars could be, but after reading all this information, I was basically clueless. As i have had heart attacks and and am in poor health i am trying to benefit my cardiovascular system. I got on the internet and googled “can a person eat to much fruit?”. I definitely do think I’m eating too much fruit, I generally have a whole banana, 1/2 cup blueberries in a smoothie after the gym with my protein powder, chai seeds and peanut butter and a few other goodies, then I have an apple and an orange and sometimes watermelon and other fruit too!! Most of us probably couldnt pick out a monk fruit in the produce aisle, and truth be told, its not likely to catch your attention amidst luscious lemons, colorful apples, and vibrant oranges. Absolutely enjoy fruit but just like any sweet do so as a treat especially if you have digestive and sugar sensitivity like I do! A 4oz glass of juice has the sugar of 1 apple, but that sure doesn’t feel like a full serving! I will have my physical check up soon so that I can see whether too many fruits could bring sugar problem for me or not. Iv started eating fruit and a lot of it. Congratulations! In general if you have poor gut flora then you can have all sorts of digestion troubles (and a lot of other issues too). I’m disappointed to hear that, Vincent. I am 51 1/2years old and start perimenopause stages. :(, Hi Lily, interesting article and I am going to act on it! My “diets” in the past have consisted of eating mostly fruit… now I know to change that. This is because these are high protein foods and … I’ve lost 60 lb and my body fat is below 10%. And for some reason my mom always suggested I eat whole grain pumpernickel break with it (Russian tradition). Of course these points are a bit edgy but so your points are. Is that true? I could exist on fruit alone if I don’t focus on eating something else. I have increased my fruit intake and use it for snacks and when I’m hungry. I’ve way reduced carbs, no carbonated drinks, very little processed food…. Hold up? You’re spot on! Thanks so much for the lesson… Sitting here eating a Barlett Pear and wondering if “there is such a thing as eating too much fruit”… Google it and your post popped up… After reading your article I have to say that #1 is what I identified most… Even while munching more than halfway through my pear while reading, my stomach began grumbling and I started to feel bloated… it was my fourth fruit today… I have drastically changed my diet… past three weeks… cut out all junk food and processed carbs …. Is a fig or a prune a better option then say an apple? But that “healthy habit” might not be doing you any favors. I could have written this myself. when I see parents loading up with commercial fruit juices I remind them of the amount of sugar and tell them its the same as giving their kids a soda. I’m addicted !!! , I am very think all my life. This article was really interesting for me. I finally realized what has been causing my fatigue. But there are kiwi fruit side effects that may pop up if … Today, my husband made me a pineapple pancake. thank you Pierre. High blood sugar is another side effect of fruit consumption, and can be … In the morning I have egg whites, a sweet potato , a kiwi, handful of blueberries and two strawberries. Finally someone saying it out-loud!! But I eat chicken one a month. Hey awesome post you have there! Thanks! It’s likely the fruit because i Haven’t eaten anything risky. High cholesterol and uric acid can lead to complications. Very little physical activity and NO working out. (I think all the afternoon snack crackers were doing that.) I consume a great deal of fruit. so that’s why I don’t loose weight: 2 bananas, 2 apples, 2-3 clementine’s or a medium sized grape and some nuts per day are to much. In SW it is advised to go to fruits as the snack item and I eat so many apples – at least 3 in the evening and as this is a ‘speed’ food I thought I was doing myself a favour but after reading this I’m going to try a week with having veggie-based snacks instead like baby corn, baby sweet peppers and when I was a kid I LOVED getting unshelled fresh peas and sitting, popping them out of their shells and eating them so I’ll be trying those again later! In fact, these psychological benefits occurred after only two weeks of increased fruit and vegetable consumption. Most fruits have been bred to be larger and contain more fructose than their great grand parents (the original apple was about as large and sweet as a crab apple), so you can understand how the human body might not have the skills to handle it. I know you will enjoy all the wonderful things the area has to offer! I later had some cheese and crackers, no problem. im also type 2 diabetic,just didnt realize how bad this was for me. Wheat is high in fructans, avocados in moderation are fine (moderate polyol). A portion of fruit is defined as approximately a ½ cup (handful) or the size of a small apple. Then I had a series of infections which required many courses of antibiotics. i had IBS but that was from consuming too much foods with refined white table sugar not fruit. Thanks. It took me until Saturday before I felt properly well again, I didn’t link the blueberries at all. And no, I’m not mad at you for saying the truth.. and my stomach thanks you. Thanks for the great read. I don’t know how much weight I’ve lost, but my clothes are swimming on me. I am 64. Should I cut some of the fruit? Also, you suggest only 2 small portions of fruit a day while nearly all respected health organization, WHO included, suggest more. Why?? Powder) After about 2 weeks ,I awoke feeling like I needed to throw up and my stomach felt out of sorts for about a week. But as you say this does not curb my hunger!!!! I never take any supplement of any kind. I have been since making that smoothie almost every day for whole family every morning. So I googled it and saw your article. along with a bit of fruit in my (mainly) green veg juice. Weight Gain: Nuts are a high source of fats. any suggestions, I just ate 3 very ripe banana and an apple. Whoa! If it is indeed salicylates, this article may be helpful: Good luck! I recently began a journey to loose weight believing I need to eat lots of fruit. They even contain heavy doses of tannic acid that has an inhibitory effect on the digestive tract. Also, I have maintained my weight after losing 20 pounds with eating pretty much unlimited fruit when I am hungry. I found this article on a google search. I eat a medium size container filled with Orange .. purple grapes .. strawberries.. blue berries.. Watermelon everyday at 10am for morning tea is this a more bad or good thing? I must say lily you look healthy(cute too) so what your suggesting sure does you justice. But it has to be written. I’ve devoted my career to researching real food nutrition for pregnancy and gestational diabetes. My stomach area has been feeling gasy and achey lately. After reading the information, I would definitely say the information is not cruely written, I am so glad I found it, I now have to reduce my fruit intake, it is the only explanation I have for the way I feel. Your article has been very good in explaining to me what is going on inside my tummy as i have been having more and more difficulties recently and now i think i know the culpret! Wow i realy lean something today,befor i eat tomuch of fruit but now realizing tomuch of fruit is a problem to me i will change. I’m doing slimming world and am struggling to lose more than ½lb a week and I couldn’t figure out why! 1,3,4 and 5 are very very truetrue for me and I eat 5-7 pieces of fruit a day, hello Lily, I have been operated for right manibule cancer and two ganglion on the right side of the neck in august 2014. No one else have posted the symptoms I have… in the past 2 weeks I’ve had a sharp headache that comes on after my fruit lunch. I read a thing on pineapple eating to much cued give you problems’ so you have to be careful on how much you eat. I haven’t had alcohol or drugs for over 20 years, but I do have an “addictive personality”. I can relate to many points above. I’ve reached a point in my diet where I am struggling to loose weight, I have cut out all of the rubbish from my diet, but I eat probably around 5 portions of fruit a day (I’ve always taken the calories into account but never really thought too much about the sugar content!). Happens mostly all the time but sometimes I can get away with it. It is really hard for me to get used to this idea of cutting down on fruits, but after reading your post, and having the words of the personal trainer echo in my ears, I must and I will. 5. No sensitivities. In fact, heartburn, diarrhea, reflux, and bloating are all potential side effects of eating too much fruit, according to Bruning. but usually only weekly. I drank one every night as a meal replacement for the past year. I have been getting pains in my stomach. Lesson learned. I have been going to weight watchers and slimming world in the past which fruit is no points/sins. I weigh min 75 kg. I managed the ‘one a day’ (usually blueberries, plus the other veggies) until today when I caved, and have eaten 1 1/2 apples, cup of blueberries, lots of mango, 2 nectarines, some kiwi and some melon. You mentioned about fructose causing all those sorts of things. Oh, Lily. I tried to eat a chicen ceasar salad, but was just too sick. I am on a e foods diet for autoimmune disease and i have had bloating lately along with what seemed like sugar spikes and crashes and cravings. and i wonder why im not loosing weight! Eating too much passion fruit may cause drowsiness. This is also why berries are recommended. With fruit, unsweetened almond milk, and protein powder. She has replaced the other 3 serves of fruit with ice cream, chips and biscuits thinking that the less serves of fruit is healthier for them. Hurray, I may have just found the answer. It stands to reason that if the banana is a stand-out on the glycemic index for a person (higher than the rest of her diet), that spike will have a greater effect than on someone who eats poorly. I’ve been very bloated. I will be much more mindful and hopefully the bloating and binge eating of fruit will stop and my weight loss will start again. Will reply back in a month if weight finally dropps. Thanks. Thanks for the explaination and I am disappointed in these tasty fruits and my ability to digest them. Do you have any thoughts on this please? I ended up having to stand outside of the train loo for the last hour of the journey, feeling bloated, sick, hot, cold and really quite unwell. Having not touched fruit for years, except maybe pineapple on a pizza, I have just had fruit for breakfast and a huge smoothie for lunch. Stop with the fruit. I can put away 3 pounds of blueberries every day… way too expensive and I have not been able to lose weight! No judgement from me. I hope that helps! Thank You ???????? Effects of Eating Too Many Nuts. I have not been 60 kg for a very long time. It's not just how many fruits you eat, but how you eat them. I am of good weight, but am concerned about sugar content. Sandee lee. Even for diabetic type 2 patients. They no longer ask me for chocolate when they get in from school – result! I got the wrong message. Well my weight hasn’t budged and this week I have felt really unwell with awful stomach pain and bloating. To pick fruit? I feel now I’m not going mad. How does one eat no meat, no dairy, low carb AND low fruit? I must emphasise that I am extremely health conscious most of the time, but occasionally binge. Your blog started me to be even more suspicious of fruit. Especially dairy. With me it’s all about feeling full. ..very uncomfortable. A HUGE NO NO!!! I’m not overweight (168cm tall, ~51kg) but have been suffering from IBS (bloating, gas, constipation) for a few years. I’ll be changing my diet!! Although juicing is a popular trend, Bellatti and Bruning agree that it's not an ideal way to get your daily dose of fruit. And occasionally a banana C in your blood sugar issues, guidance from a nutrition expert can be potentially for. 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eating too much fruit side effects 2021