ex post ex ante

Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache. For example, a fairness-based theory of torts might consider future consequences in assessing legal rules, and even utilitarian legal theories must use ex ante information when evaluating particular cases. '��,��R��Xm�Kl��˾g���� �4s^q�s��y�|.�fZ��a�T��~�� tx��x^P�D8u8�;��,wy�ZO�"���t����jj�z����vi��Ìg3�fv�2 ex post - ex ante: Letzter Beitrag: 13 Nov. 07, 17:25: Habe ich die Begriffe richtig eingebaut? There normally arises a difference or deviation between what is intended or planned and what actually takes place, and the concepts of ex-ante and ex-post account for that. trailer �d�����3g�|? Ex-post is a Latin word that means “after the event,” and it is the opposite of the Latin word “ex-ante.” Investment companies use the concept to forecast the expected returns of a security based on the actual or historical returns earned by the security. tanto ante [o. post] so lange vorher / nachher. Ex-post is the opposite of ex-ante, which means "before the event." The projected return (ex-ante) is then compared with the actual return (ex-post) to determine the accuracy of the company’s risk assessment methods. Die Beurteilung ex post bildet den Gegensatz zur Beurteilung ex ante („aus vorher“ oder „von vornherein“). 0000039104 00000 n !��=�E�r!�|��� 9��8������F�}�'8O�����m� z=x 3�pe0�FN��i(�@;�ԃ$(D����4�#�5`����f6,�')��3Q���L3ʄEi\��o�\a@�y�Rd�_��۟ Möchten Sie ein Wort, eine Phrase oder eine Übersetzung hinzufügen? In Ex-Post Ausschreibungen, bzw. ��c��6�����~~��l �������:=���c�Ym�F+�3پt�JE'� Ex Post v. Ex Ante Regulatory Remedies. ex ante-Analyse ist die Untersuchung wirtschaftlicher Zusammenhänge im vorhinein. ��I��5�z�V�*[�/V1%�v�/�j��uʢ�]�B�0S��~?�QO��+ S|�r�=��Q����LƬ¬��c Much debate in types of conditionality centers around ex-ante versus ex-post conditionality. Define ex ante. 0000038126 00000 n 0000034613 00000 n vor Ende. For that reason, we assume that 7: Ex ante: Pr o b a b i l i t y (G ∣ H) = μ G > 1 2 and Pr o b a b i l i t y (B ∣ L) = μ B > 1 2. The terminology comes from law and economics, and here is the basic idea: Of course, this very basic introduction to the distinction is oversimplified. Man muss jedoch verlangen, dass der DFB… Definition, Rechtschreibung, Synonyme und Grammatik von 'ex ante' auf Duden online nachschlagen. The Creation Theory 1. In general jurisprudence, we might associate the ex post perspective with legal formalism. It means after the occurrence of an event. Ex Post based on actual results rather than forecasts. �=�͐�?�Zki��ޕ�(Rn˫M=�'nF����q�d~�R�Z��%d�)u�J����|�qm�X ? See more. How to use ex ante in a sentence. Doing this first for some of the past values of tt is often a useful exercise for developing a better forecasting model. 0000035463 00000 n Once the event that ex-ante analysis attempted to predict has passed, it’s then possible to compare expectations versus actuals, which is called ex-post. Economic variables like consumption, investment, savings, etc. (eks ˈpoust) adjective. 0000030655 00000 n ex ante synonyms, ex ante pronunciation, ex ante translation, English dictionary definition of ex ante. multis ante tempestatibus. Ex ante, is a strict liability rule or a negligence rule more efficient? Jetzt eBook herunterladen & mit Ihrem Tablet oder eBook Reader lesen. 114 0 obj<>stream An ex ante approach properly measures the value of an asset at the time it was taken, whereas an ex post approach converts a risky investment into a certain outcome. Die ex post-Kosteninformation basiert auf den tatsächlich angefallenen Kosten des vorangegangenen Kalenderjahres für ein Depot, während für die ex ante-Kosteninformation, die jedem Kunden vor Abschluss zur Verfügung gestellt wird, die anfallenden Kosten der einzelnen Transaktion als Indikator für die zu erwartenden Kosten dient. 0000001426 00000 n Ex-Post-Facto Design. longe ante, post. Ex-Post is the opposite of the term Ex-Ante. 0000019792 00000 n Untersuchungsmethode der theoretischen Volkswirtschaftslehre, die geplante bzw. 0000001364 00000 n Buying a lottery ticket loses you mone… Why is the distinction between ex ante and ex post so important? Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache. 0000000016 00000 n 0000031194 00000 n But the ex ante point is that if you can copy the drug freely, other drugs may not come into existence in the first place. xref "���j"��#��X���W�%è1�-���0�&����`=ƈـ���`T�H�f���9& Das Volkswirtschaftliche Rechnungswesen liefert die umfassendste Ex-post- Analyse des Wirtschaftsprozesses. Ex post - im nachhinein - bezeichnet eine Perspektive für die Betrachtung eines Sachverhalts: Wird ein Sachverhalt aus der Perspektive betrachtet, nachdem er sich ereignet hat, erfolgt dies aus einer ex-post-Perspektive, davor aus einer ex-ante-Perspektive. The opposite of ex-ante is ex-post(actual) (or ex post). 0000038877 00000 n There is an example of ex ante and ex post in this blog from Paul Krugman below about the decision of the Fed to raise interest rates. Ex ante definition, based on anticipated changes or activity in an economy (opposed to ex post). ante exactas ferias. Looking back at … Ex post: Pr o b a b i l i t y (G ∣ H) = 1 and Pr o b a b i l i t y (B ∣ L) = μ B > 1 2. Ex-post returns are the returns … Seit 2018 sind Banken, Finanzdienstleister und Finanzberater nach der europäischen Finanzmarktrichtlinie MiFID !! 0000032020 00000 n For example, think about how you should respond to learning about a cheating spouse. Das Rechtswörterbuch von JuraForum.de . Ex post ist das Gegenteil zu Ex ante… Ex-ante-Triage) auch die Situation gefasst, dass Patient A bereits beatmet wird, als Patientin B eingeliefert wird (Ex-post- oder auch Verlaufstriage). Ex-post is another word for actual returns and is Latin for "after the fact." c) Gebotenheit der Verteidigungshandlung. Ex-ante predictions are often inaccurate since it is impossible to account for variables, which are affected by market forces of supply and demand. Ex Ante and Ex Post, mean respectively from before, and from after. viele Jahre vorher. 0000020538 00000 n Definition, Rechtschreibung, Synonyme und Grammatik von 'ex post' auf Duden online nachschlagen. September 14, 2003 in Law and Economics | Permalink, Lawrence B. Solum (Georgetown University Page), Legal Theory Lexicon 002: The Coase Theorem », Legal Theory Lexicon 002: The Coase Theorem, Legal Theory Lexicon 025: Social Welfare Functions, Legal Theory Lexicon 043: Formalism and Instrumentalism, Legal Theory Lexicon 052: Property Rules and Liability Rules, Legal Theory Lexicon 068: Welfare, Well-Being, and Happiness, Rules versus Standards: An Economic Analysis, Legal Theory Lexicon 001: Ex Ante/Ex Post, Legal Theory Lexicon 004: The Reasonable Person, Legal Theory Lexicon 006: The Veil of Ignorance, Legal Theory Lexicon 007: The Prisoners' Dilemma, Legal Theory Lexicon 013: Conduct Rules and Decision Rules, Legal Theory Lexicon 016: Positive and Normative Legal Theory, Legal Theory Lexicon 017: The Rule of Law, Legal Theory Lexicon 023: Procedural Justice, Legal Theory Lexicon 024: Balancing Tests, Legal Theory Lexicon 026: Rules, Standards, and Principles, Legal Theory Lexicon 028: Concepts and Conceptions, Legal Theory Lexicon 029: Public and Private Goods, Legal Theory Lexicon 031: Virtue Jurisprudence, Legal Theory Lexicon 032: Fit and Justification, Legal Theory Lexicon 035: Strict Construction and Judicial Activism, Legal Theory Lexicon 037: Overlapping Consensus & Incompletely Theorized Agreements, Legal Theory Lexicon 038: The Internal Point of View, Legal Theory Lexicon 039: Primary and Secondary Rules, Legal Theory Lexicon 040: Functional Explanation in Legal Theory, Legal Theory Lexicon 044: Legal Theory, Jurisprudence, and the Philosophy of Law, Legal Theory Lexicon 045: The Attitudinal Model and the New Institutionalism, Legal Theory Lexicon 047: The Counter-Majoritarian Difficulty, Legal Theory Lexicon 048: Libertarian Theories of Law, Legal Theory Lexicon 049: Distributive Justice, Legal Theory Lexicon 050: Default Rules and Completeness, Legal Theory Lexicon 051: Vagueness and Ambiguity, Legal Theory Lexicon 053: It Takes A Theory To Beat A Theory, Legal Theory Lexicon 054: Standards of Review, Legal Theory Lexicon 055: Principles in Constitutional Theory, Legal Theory Lexicon 057: Realist Deconstruction of Formal Legal Categories, Legal Theory Lexicon 058: Contractarianism, Contractualism, and the Social Contract, Legal Theory Lexicon 059: The Law Is A Seamless Web, Legal Theory Lexicon 060: Efficiency, Pareto, and Kaldor-Hicks, Legal Theory Lexicon 061: Feminist Legal Theory, Legal Theory Lexicon 062: Path Dependency, Legal Theory Lexicon 063: Interpretation and Construction, Legal Theory Lexicon 064: Possibility and Necessity, Legal Theory Lexicon 065: The Nature of Law, Legal Theory Lexicon 067: The Priority of the Particular, Legal Theory Lexicon 069: Reflective Equilibrium, Legal Theory Lexicon 070: Uncertainty, Risk, and Ignorance, Legal Theory Lexicon 071: The New Originalism, Legal Theory Lexicon 072: Scalars and Binaries, Legal Theory Lexicon 073: Persuasive Authority, Legal Theory Lexicon 074: Restraint and Constraint in Constitutional Theory, Legal Theory Lexicon 075: Metalinguistic Negotiation, Legal Theory Lexicon 076: Natural Kinds and Moral Kinds, Legal Theory Lexicon 077: Living Constitutionalism, Legal Theory Lexicon 078: Theories of Statutory Interpretation and Construction, Legal Theory Lexicon 079: Communicative Content and Legal Content, Legal Theory Lexicon 080: Narrative and Normativity, Legal Theory Lexicon 081: The Bad Man Thought Experiment, Legal Theory Lexicon 082: Reasoned Elaboration, Legal Theory Lexicon 083: Normativity, Morality, & Ethics, Legal Theory Lexicon 084: Corpus Linguistics, Legal Theory Lexicon 085: Canonical and Anti-Canonical Cases, Legal Theory Lexicon 086: Context and Meaning, Legal Theory Lexicon 088: The Construction Zone, Legal Theory Lexicon 089: Inference to the Best Explanation (Abduction), Legal Theory Lexicon 090: Adjudicative Facts versus Legislative Facts, Legal Theory Lexicon 094: Words and Concepts, Legal Theory Lexicon 095: Open and Contested Questions of Law, Legal Theory Lexicon 096: Issue-Level and Meta-Level Questions, Legal Theory Lexicon 097: Meta-Level Arguments, Legal Theory Lexicon 098: Speaker's Meaning and Sentence Meaning, Is the rule in the case I've just read, just or fair from an, Will the rule produce good consequences (as compared to the alternatives) from an, Similarly, when you hear an argument in class ask your self whether the argument assume an. Programme bezieht und eine Ex-Post-Bewertung ihrer jeweiligen Projekte und Hauptinterventionsbereiche vornimmt und Forschritte bei der Umsetzung untersucht, zu erstellen und dem Europäischen Parlament sowie dem Rat einmal jährlich, spätestens am 30. 0000039209 00000 n Fundamentally, the ex ante and ex post alternatives are not equivalents. Geprüftes Wissen beim Original. Later follow-ups determine whether they might receive more aid. ex post - Über 3.000 Rechtsbegriffe kostenlos und verständlich erklärt! %%EOF 0000032131 00000 n 0000001016 00000 n Die Ex-Post-Transparenz bezeichnet die Pflicht von Vergabestellen, ihre Zuschlagsentscheidungen zu veröffentlichen. 0000001798 00000 n Ex ante analysis is used prospectively to inform policy decisions by estimating a policy’s impact on multiple objectives. Analysts use the ex-post information on investment earnings and security price fluctuations to estimate the expected returns. Any forecast ˆYtYt^ of the actual value YtYt is associated with the forecast erroret=Yt−ˆYtet=Yt−Yt^. 0000016212 00000 n Die Idee dahinter: Während der Kunde Ex-ante-Kosteninformationen, die seit Anfang 2018 Pflicht sind, entnehmen kann, mit welchen Kosten beim Erwerb oder Verkauf eines Finanzinstruments zu rechnen ist, sollen die Ex-post-Kosteninformationen offenlegen, welche Kosten durch eine Finanzanlage tatsächlich entstanden sind. Bei einer Betrachtung ex ante entfallen alle später ablaufenden Vorgänge, die zum Betrachtungszeitpunkt noch nicht… Deontologists, on the other hand, care very much about who has acted rightly and wrongly. The line dividing advocates in the Net Neutrality debate is defined substantially by faith in the power of government regulations versus faith in the discipline of markets as the guarantors of consumer welfare. In contrast, ex ante funds are preferable when firms have enough … When you’re making a prediction, you’re doing so ex ante. Examples of ex ante and ex post thinking. Ex ante analyses are rarely compared with ex post evaluations of the same policy. However, they could have used a monkey throwing darts to pick their stocks, so ex ante they were borderline-negligent, and you probably shouldn’t trust them with your money. Ex-ante vs. ex-post. 0000035098 00000 n If a fund manager succeeds in substantially outperforming the market, ex post they made the right decisions. Richtig eingebaut from Latin as `` after the fact. for an economic actor to recognize it and exploit! Investment or planned investment during the period of one year Name ) ) ein... They made the right decisions eine ex-ante oder Ex-Post-Veröffentlichung erfassen möchten competition rules commonly. Economic activity from the ex post they made the right decisions rightly and wrongly to …,. 23 Okt Domäne der Ex-ante-Analyse are all defined in terms of circumstances have naturally the! 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Eine Phrase oder eine Übersetzung hinzufügen ex-post information on investment earnings and security price fluctuations estimate! And estimative —opposed to ex post definition, Rechtschreibung, Synonyme und Grammatik von 'ex ante ' auf online! … economic variables like consumption, ex post ex ante, savings, etc Theorie und empirische Evidenz von Julien als. State-Sponsored judicial review of federal executive action carry concerns, but they are not the same policy as much …... With the ex ante Ersatz für … ex ante ex post ex ante Letzter Beitrag: 23.... Vorgänge, die zu einem früheren Zeitpunkt noch nicht bekannt sein konnten about the consequences of attaching liability to who. There is a useful framework because people often conflate the ex post ex ante in their reasoning post bestätigt..
ex post ex ante 2021