neck cancer survival rate

The term 'throat cancer survival rate' refers to the percentage of people who survive for a certain period of time after being diagnosed with throat cancer. During the period 1973-1999, site-specific incidence rates for head and neck cancer changed significantly. Head and neck cancer is one of the many cancers that people suffer from in the modern world. Oral Cavity Cancer (C03, C04, C05, C06), Five-Year Net Survival by Age, England, 2009-2013. The next section in this guide is Statistics. ON THIS PAGE: You will find information about the number of people who are diagnosed with head and neck cancer each year. Wales (89%) and Scotland (95%) are also similar to the European average. OS at 10 years was 87% for p16+ oropharynx, 56% for p16-oropharynx, 69% for oral cavity, 67% for … For oral cavity and pharynx cancer that has spread to distant areas in the body, such as the liver, the 5-year relative survival rate is 39.1 percent. Study design: Prospective cohort study. Head and neck survival rates can vary considerably among patients, mainly because every individual – and every cancer – is unique. In stage two of head and neck cancer, the survival rate of patients attending to SCCA rose up to 86%while the patients attending to other health centers dropped to 61%. The results of other real-world studies have been roughly equivalent to those from Checkmate-141 Tongue Cancer (C01, C02 excluding C02.4) Age-Standardised One-, Five- and Ten-Year Net Survival, Adults (Aged 15-90), England, 2009-2013, Tongue cancer survival continues to fall beyond five years after diagnosis. [1], Five-year relative survival for hypopharyngeal cancer in women in England (26%) is similar to the average for Europe (29%). Tobacco use, heavy alcohol use, and infection with human papillomavirus (HPV) increase the risk of head and neck cancers. 43% of men and 43% of women are predicted to survive their disease for ten years or more, as shown by age-standardised net survival for patients diagnosed with sinus cancer during 2009-2013 in England.[1]. Head and neck cancers include hypopharyngeal, laryngeal, lip and oral cavity, metastatic squamous neck, nasopharyngeal, oropharyngeal, paranasal sinus, and salivary gland cancers. Because of this, neck cancer survival rate is also reasonably higher in females. [PubMed Abstract] American Cancer Society (2017). During the past 30 years, survival rates for patients with laryngeal cancer have not improved, and some investigators have raised concerns that 5-year Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) program survival rates for patients with advanced cancer have actually declined with the introduction of chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment strategies for organ preservation. Over the last decade, head and neck cancer rates have increased by a quarter. One-year net survival among head and neck cancer subtypes is highest in salivary glands cancer and lowest in hypopharyngeal cancer. Wales (46%) is also above the European average but Scotland (44%) is similar to the European average. [1] Across the European countries for which data is available, five-year relative survival in men ranges from 40% (Latvia) to 82% (Iceland). At Moffitt, our team often recommends surgical intervention, which can be very effective for addressing both early and locally advanced head and neck cancers, especially when combined with radiation therapy. Throat cancer is characterized by the development of a malignant growth in the pharynx or larynx. [1], Tongue Cancer (C01.9-C02.9), Age-Standardised Five-Year Relative Survival, Adults (Aged 15+), European Countries, 2000-2007. For most head and neck cancer subtypes, one-year survival falls between 5 and 10 years after diagnosis. In many statistical research conducted, the neck cancer survival rates are fortunately high compared to the other types of cancers. Current Age: Sex: Race: Years since diagnosis: If 'Years since Diagnosis' is non-zero, the calculator will compute conditional survival for the patient. Survival for oral cavity cancer is reported in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales[2,3,4] though it is difficult to make survival comparisons between countries due to different methodologies and criteria for including patients in analyses. Northern Ireland (75%) is also above the European average but Wales (59%) and Scotland (62%)  are similar to the European average. The complete removal of a tumor in the head and neck area can be challenging due to the close proximity of critical structures, such as the eyes, mouth and larynx. [1] In women, five-year survival ranges from 93% in 15-49 year olds to 61% in 70-89 year olds. lung, head and neck, skin, unknown primary site, etc.). Tumor characteristics. Ninety-eight percent are alive at 10 years. [1] Survival for women is not available due to the low number of cases. Atlanta, GA: American Cancer Society. [1] Across the European countries for which data is available, five-year relative survival in men ranges from 7% (Estonia) to 35% (Ireland). [1] In women, five-year survival ranges from 65% in 15-49 year olds to 45% in 70-89 year olds. Pulte D, Brenner H: Changes in survival in head and neck cancers in the late 20th and early 21st century: A period analysis. [1] No five-year survival data is available for Northern Ireland. Net survival and the probability of cancer death from rare cancers. Race. Head and neck cancers account for approximately 4% of all cancers in the United States . The reason for this has not been well justified. The survival improvement is greatest for tonsil cancer (39.7% to 69.8%). 50% of men and 54% of women are predicted to survive their disease for ten years or more, as shown by age-standardised net survival for patients diagnosed with tongue cancer during 2009-2013 in England. Five-year survival for laryngeal cancer is highest in the youngest men and decreases with increasing age. [1], Laryngeal Cancer (C32), Age-Standardised Five-Year Relative Survival, Adults (Aged 15+), European Countries, 2000-2007, Five-year relative survival for lip cancer in men in England (88%) is similar to the average for Europe (88%). Oropharyngeal Cancer (C09, C10, C02.4), Five-Year Net Survival by Age, England, 2009-2013. We are grateful to the many organisations across the UK which collect, analyse, and share the data which we use, and to the patients and public who consent for their data to be used. Five-year net survival in men ranges from 34% in 15-49 year-olds to 20% in 70-89 year-olds for patients diagnosed with hypopharyngeal cancer in England during 2009-2013. Because no two people with squamous cell carcinoma are alike, the general survival rate cannot be used to predict a specific patient’s outcome. Ideally, this would include a pan-/triple-Endoscopy. Squamous cell carcinoma throat survival rate - Other head and neck cancer experts told that it was important to know whether cancer related to HPV was related because it is well suited for chemotherapy and radiotherapy and has a good prognosis. Survival depends on many different factors. [1] No five-year survival data is available for Northern Ireland. Call 1-888-663-3488 or complete a new patient registration form online. [1] No five-year survival data is available for Wales and Northern Ireland. They say that the reason is because throat cancer is easily detected at the earliest stage possible. [1], Oropharyngeal Cancer (C09-C10), Age-Standardised Five-Year Relative Survival, Adults (Aged 15+), European Countries, 2000-2007, Five-year relative survival for tongue cancer in men in England (47%) is above the average for Europe (39%). Across the European countries for which data is available, five-year relative survival in men ranges from 14% (Estonia) to 50% (Sweden). [1], Nasopharyngeal Cancer (C11), Age-Standardised Five-Year Relative Survival, Adults (Aged 15+), European Countries, 2000-2007, Five-year relative survival for oropharyngeal cancer in men in England (44%) is above the average for Europe (36%). The 5-year survival is 99 percent when detected early. Across the European countries for which data is available, five-year relative survival in women ranges from 79% (Poland) to 103% (Slovakia). For all head and neck cancer subtypes, one-year survival falls between 1 and 5 years after diagnosis, though the gradient of the fall varies between subtypes. We are updating the information as guidance changes. Five years after diagnosis, 92.5 percent of women were alive compared to 87.3 percent of men. 60% of men survive hypopharyngeal cancer for at least one year, and this is predicted to fall to 27% surviving for five years or more, as shown by age-standardised net survival for patients diagnosed with hypopharyngeal cancer during 2009-2013 in England. No referrals are required. [1] Across the European countries for which data is available, five-year relative survival in men ranges from 74% (Switzerland) to 95% (Scotland). Across the European countries for which data is available, five-year relative survival in women ranges from 33% (Slovenia) to 59% (Czech Republic). Three-year survival rates were 56.0% for LC, 54.7% for OC, 48.0% for OPC, and 37.8% for HC. For instance, to help a patient achieve a better outcome than the current head and neck cancer survival rate suggests, we can: At Moffitt, we’re winning the battle against head and neck cancer. Head and neck cancer is a relatively uncommon type of cancer. Scotland (40%) and Northern Ireland (61%) are also similar to the European average. Currently, these survival rates are not based on if the cancer is p16 positive or negative. In women, hypopharyngeal cancer survival is similar at five and ten years after diagnosis. Salivary Glands Cancer (C07, C08) Age-Standardised One-, Five- and Ten-Year Net Survival, Adults (Aged 15-90), England, 2009-2013, Salivary glands cancer survival is similar at five and ten years after diagnosis. For cancers of the oropharynx and tonsil, the relative 5-year survival rate was 70%, but survival by stage is not available. Moffitt Notice of Blackbaud Data Incident. A five year cancer survival rate is the percentage of people who survived a certain type of cancer five years after the diagnosis is confirmed. “Skin cancers on the scalp or neck are more deadly than those elsewhere on the body, a large study has suggested”, BBC News reported. Most people who do so are between 50 and 70 years old. Remember, they can’t tell you what will happen in your individual case. The Daily Telegraph also describes the results of a new study that examined the prognosis (chance of survival) of patients who developed a malignant melanoma on their scalp or neck. Sinus Cancer (C30, C31) Age-Standardised One-, Five- and Ten-Year Net Survival, Adults (Aged 15-90), England, 2009-2013, In men, sinus cancer survival is similar at five and ten years after diagnosis. Early-stage (I) with localized disease has a 81.1% survival rate, while early-stage (I, II) with regional disease has a 70.5% survival rate, and later-stage (III, IV), metastasized disease is 58.5%. Head And Neck Cancer Survival Rate. Across the European countries for which data is available, five-year relative survival in women ranges from 49% (Poland) to 69% (Spain). [1] In women, five-year survival ranges from 77% in 15-49 year olds to 52% in 70-89 year olds. It depends on your: type and stage of cancer; level of fitness; previous treatment; These are general statistics based on large groups of patients. Learn More. One-year net survival among head and neck cancer subtypes is highest in salivary glands cancer and lowest in hypopharyngeal cancer. [1] In women, five-year survival ranges from 70% in 15-49 year olds to 51% in 70-89 year olds. Credit us as authors by referencing Cancer Research UK as the primary source. Patients with HPV-induced oropharyngeal cancer have a disease-free survival rate of … Because no two people with squamous cell carcinoma are alike, the general survival rate cannot be used to predict a specific patient’s outcome. 51% of men and 70% of women are predicted to survive their disease for ten years or more, as shown by age-standardised net survival for patients diagnosed with salivary glands cancer during 2009-2013 in England.[1]. Squamous Throat Cancer Survival Rate. Retrieved March 29, 2017. Eur J Cancer 51: 2130-2143, 2015 Medline, Google Scholar: 7. The 5-year survival rate for most men with local or regional prostate cancer is 100%. [1] No five-year survival data is available for Wales. Cancer.Net Patient Education Video: View a short video led by an ASCO expert in head and neck cancer that provides basic information and areas of research. Patient Appointment Center Hours: 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday - Friday; 8 a.m. to noon Saturday, Discuss smoking cessation programs and other ways to help patients stop using tobacco products, Offer strategies to help patients limit their consumption of alcoholic beverages, Provide tips on how to protect against excess UV exposure, Give advice on how to maintain good oral hygiene, Identify potential occupational hazards, such as wood dust, and recommend ways to address them. It is an understatement to say head and neck cancer is a challenging disease for patients, ... there is no subsite in the head and neck that is associated with a 100% cure rate after local therapy. In a U.S. cohort from the Carolina Head and Neck Cancer Study,25 10-year survival rates of patients with SCC of the head and neck were examined in patients who had survived five years. Survival varies by head and neck cancer subtype in England and is highest in salivary glands cancer and lowest in hypopharyngeal cancer (one-, five- and ten-year survival, 2009-2013). Five-year survival for sinus cancer is highest in the youngest men and women and decreases with increasing age. [1] For women no laryngeal cancer survival data are available, due to the low number of cases. Lymph node cancer survival rates - For example, a survival rate of 5 years of 70% means that around 70 out of 100 people who have cancer are still alive 5 years after they were diagnosed. [1] Survival for women is similar with 78% surviving for one year or more, and 53% predicted to survive for at least five years. Head and neck cancers were the eighth most common cancers worldwide in 2018 and accounted for 3% of all cancer diagnoses and about 1.5% of cancer deaths in the U.S. alone. Five-year survival for salivary glands cancer is highest in the youngest men and women and decreases with increasing age. Around 12,000 new cases are diagnosed in the UK each year. Cancer Statistics, 2017. There is a lower survival rate for similar tumor states in African Americans with head and neck cancer. Despite improvements in diagnosis and local management, long-term survival rates for patients with this disease have not increased significantly over the past 30 years and are among the lowest for the major cancers. Five-year net survival in men ranges from 68% in 15-49 year-olds to 46% in 70-89 year-olds for patients diagnosed with oral cavity cancer in England during 2009-2013. Possible explanations for persistent international differences in survival include differences in cancer biology, use of diagnostic tests and screening, stage at diagnosis, access to high-quality care, and data collection practices. Squamous Throat Cancer Survival Rate Throat cancer or squamous carcinoma of the amygdala is a part of the head and neck cancers. REFERRING PHYSICIANS Providers and medical staff can refer patients by submitting our online referral form. The average rate of 5-year survival for a patient with non-Hodgkin lymphoma is 70%, while in Hodgkin lymphoma is 86%. Our region faces a particular challenge with head and neck cancers, recording above national average rates, Merseyside being the most affected area with a 30% higher rate than the rest of England. It helps explain how many people are diagnosed with head and neck cancer and general survival rates. Send a cheque payable to Cancer Research UK to: Cancer Research UK, 2 Redman Place, London, E20 1JQ or, Stay up to date by signing up to our cancer statistics and intelligence newsletter. For men diagnosed with prostate cancer that has spread to other parts of the body, the 5-year survival rate is 30%. If you are eligible for a virtual appointment, our scheduling team will discuss this option further with you. The risk of developing head and neck cancers increases with age, especially after 50 years. Cancer can begin in the squamous cells and spread (metastasize) from its original site to the lymph nodes in the neck or around the collarbone. I can answer your question better if you can give me more details regarding the patient being treated (age, sex, etc. But it is important to keep in mind that these rates can vary widely according to the different types and stages of lymph node cancer, and also a person´s age affects the aforementioned rates. Across the European countries for which data is available, five-year relative survival in men ranges from 27% (Bulgaria) to 75% (Switzerland). You are welcome to reuse this Cancer Research UK content for your own work. Melanoma is 20 times more common in white people than in African Americans. 78% of men survive oral cavity cancer for at least one year, and this is predicted to fall to 54% surviving for five years or more, as shown by age-standardised net survival for patients diagnosed with oral cavity cancer during 2009-2013 in England. However, it still remains about 50%, which means that half of people with the condition will die within five years. Wales (50%) and Scotland (44%) are also similar to the European average. For cancers of the gums and other parts of the mouth, the relative survival was 59%, but survival by stage is not available. You will also read general information on surviving these diseases. Much worse is, because of smoking, the patient may also acquire a much more severe disease which is lung cancer. “Skin cancers on the scalp or neck are more deadly than those elsewhere on the body, a large study has suggested”, BBC News reported. 57% of men and 59% of women are predicted to survive their disease for ten years or more, as shown by age-standardised net survival for patients diagnosed with oropharyngeal cancer during 2009-2013 in England.[1]. The survival rate is the percentage of people who live for a certain period of time (typically reported as 5 years after diagnosis) with this cancer. Head and neck cancer is cancer that arises in the head or neck region such as in the nasal cavity, sinuses, lips, mouth, salivary glands, throat, or larynx (voice box). They can't tell you how long you will live, but they may help give you a better understanding about how likely it … For all head and neck cancer subtypes, one-year survival falls between 1 and 5 years after diagnosis, though the gradient of the fall varies between subtypes. Five-year net survival in men ranges from 82% in 15-49 year-olds to 43% in 70-89 year-olds for patients diagnosed with oropharyngeal cancer in England during 2009-2013. See information and explanations on terminology used for statistics and reporting of cancer, and the methods used to calculate some of our statistics. [1], Lip Cancer (C00), Age-Standardised Five-Year Relative Survival, Adults (Aged 15+), European Countries, 2000-2007, Five-year relative survival for nasopharyngeal cancer in men in England (47%) is similar to the average for Europe (47%). What is the long-term prognosis for people with HPV-derived head and neck cancer? Laryngeal Cancer (C32) Age-Standardised One-, Five- and Ten-Year Net Survival, Men (Aged 15-90), England, 2009-2013, Laryngeal cancer survival continues to fall beyond five years after diagnosis. 4,6. 55% of men are predicted to survive their disease for ten years or more, as shown by age-standardised net survival for men diagnosed with laryngeal cancer during 2009-2013 in England.[1]. The symptoms arise as early as stage 0, therefore, more people are being treated early. HEAD & NECK CANCER IN OUR AREA. Data consists of both observed and predicted 5-year relative survival. In women, sinus cancer continues to fall beyond 5 years. Sinus Cancer (C30, C31), Five-Year Net Survival by Age, England, 2009-2013. [1], Five-year relative survival for laryngeal cancer in women in England (56%) is similar to the average for Europe (60%). ), the type of cancer being treated (lung, head and neck, etc. The overall five year survival rate is around 20 to 47%. According to statistics done in the US these conditions are … The survival rate also depends on where the cancer first develops. Five-year net survival in men ranges from 60% in 15-49 year-olds to 44% in 70-89 year-olds for patients diagnosed with sinus cancer in England during 2009-2013. The 5-year survival rate of African Americans was … 18% of men and 23% of women are predicted to survive their disease for ten years or more, as shown by age-standardised net survival for patients diagnosed with hypopharyngeal cancer during 2009-2013 in England.[1]. New Patients and Healthcare Professionals can submit an online form by selecting the appropriate buttonbelow. Median progression-free survival (PFS) was 3.7 months (95%CI, 2.6–5.1 months) and the 1-year PFS rate was 26.2% (95%CI, 16.8–36.6%). The survival of SCCA drops down to 64 %from the time of the first diagnosis . [1] Across the European countries for which data is available, five-year relative survival in women ranges from 27% (Estonia) to 70% (Finland). For more information on how we’re protecting our new and existing patients, visit our COVID-19 Info Hub. For Moffitt faculty & staff members to access MoffittNet applications. Available from. Health Professional COVID-19 and Cancer Hub, Survive head and neck cancers for 10 or more years, 2009-13, England, Age that head and neck cancers survival is highest, 2009-2013, England. Hypopharyngeal cancer has a poorer survival rate compared to cancers originating in other sites of the head and neck region since most of these patients get diagnosed at an advanced stage. While the prevalence of head and neck cancer derived from HPV is steadily increasing, data suggest that it is easily treated. Please call 1-888-663-3488 for support from a Moffitt representative. The same case applies as stage two, but this time both percentages drop down. The Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) of the National Cancer Institute reveals the five year relative survival tendency of patients who suffer from lymphoma. Head and neck cancer is a relatively uncommon type of cancer. Study Design. For cancer of the larynx, 5-year survival rates have not changed significantly over the past 30 years. 84% of men survive oropharyngeal cancer for at least one year, and this is predicted to fall to 66% surviving for five years or more, as shown by age-standardised net survival for patients diagnosed with oropharyngeal cancer during 2009-2013 in England. Wales (59%) and Scotland (54%) are also similar to the European average. [1], Five-year relative survival for oropharyngeal cancer in women in England (50%) is similar to the average for Europe (49%). July 29, 2009 -- As a group, blacks with head and neck cancer have a much lower survival rate than whites with the disease, and now groundbreaking new research helps explain why. Understanding the numbers Additionally, survival rates are broad benchmarks. A secure website for patients to access their medical care at Moffitt. What is the long-term prognosis for people with HPV-derived head and neck cancer? 80% of men survive tongue cancer for at least one year, and this is predicted to fall to 60% surviving for five years or more, as shown by age-standardised net survival for patients diagnosed with tongue cancer during 2009-2013 in England. Specific monitoring can be carried out by a thorough serial inspection of the head and neck region – in search of recurrence of the disease as well as second primary cancer tumor. The survival rate depends on what specific treatment was used in the clinical trial, and what organ the squamous cell carcinoma originated from (e.g. However, this may vary according to certain parameters. Note: This is not a complete list of cancer mortality rates as published by the NCI.These figures are at least five years old and do not reflect recent advances in medicine that have improved the detection and treatments of cancer and their outcomes. 42% of men and 50% of women are predicted to survive their disease for ten years or more, as shown by age-standardised net survival for patients diagnosed with oral cavity cancer during 2009-2013 in England.[1]. When learning about cancer survival rates, it’s important to keep in mind that these statistics are based on a very large and diverse group of people. Five-year survival for tongue cancer is highest in the youngest men and women and decreases with increasing age. Head and neck cancers are a diverse group of diseases, each with its own distinct epidemiologic, anatomic, and pathologic features, natural history, and treatment considerations. [1] Across the European countries for which data is available, five-year relative survival in men ranges from 15% (Lithuania) to 53% (Finland). Across the European countries for which data is available, five-year relative survival in women ranges from 19% (Czech Republic) to 52% (Switzerland). Find out more about the sources which are essential for our statistics. Hypopharyngeal Cancer (C12, C13) Age-Standardised One-, Five- and Ten-Year Net Survival, Adults (Aged 15-90), England, 2009-2013, In men, hypopharyngeal cancer survival continues to fall beyond five years after diagnosis. Around 12,000 new cases are diagnosed in the UK each year. Sometimes, cancerous squamous cells can be found in the lymph nodes of the upper neck when there is no evidence of cancer in other parts of the head and neck (). Metastatic squamous neck cancer with occult primary treatment options include surgery, radiation therapy or a combination of both. In this way, we are able to ensure that our patients have the best possible prognosis and experience the best possible quality of life. [1], Hypopharyngeal Cancer (C12.9, C13), Age-Standardised Five-Year Relative Survival, Adults (Aged 15+), European Countries, 2000-2007. The estimated rates of survival free of regional recurrence at 5, 10, 15, and 25 years after the first treatment were 95.4%, 94.1%, 94.1%, and 94.1%, respectively . Patients with HNC (SCC) were compared to age-matched non-cancer controls, stratified by p16 status and smoking status. Moffit now offers Virtual Visits for patients. However, as a high-volume surgery center, Moffitt sees many patients with these complex conditions, and as a result, we have some of the best and most experienced head and neck surgeons in the nation. The estimated rate of survival free of distant metastases at 5, 10, 15, and 25 years after the first treatment was 97.6% . We treat head and neck cancers using a multispecialty approach that is coordinated among surgeons, radiation oncologists, medical oncologists and other experts who focus exclusively on treating cancers of the head and neck. Get detailed information about newly diagnosed or recurrent metastatic squamous neck cancer in this summary for clinicians. [1] No five-year survival data is available for Northern Ireland. The following write-up provides information on the survival rate and prognosis of throat cancer at various stages. Interested in an overview for Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland? Survival for oropharyngeal cancer is reported in Wales[4] though it is difficult to make survival comparisons between countries due to different methodologies and criteria for including patients in analyses. Five-year survival for oral cavity cancer is highest in the youngest men and women and decreases with increasing age. Methods: Cases surviving 5 years postdiagnosis were identified from the Carolina Head and Neck Cancer … Survival varies by head and neck cancer subtype in England and is highest in salivary glands cancer and lowest in hypopharyngeal cancer (one-, five- and ten-year … Find evidence-based information on head and neck cancer treatment, causes and prevention, research, screening, and statistics. [1], Five-year relative survival for lip cancer in women in England (91%) is similar to the average for Europe (89%). Welsh Cancer Intelligence and Surveillance Unit. Objectives/hypothesis: Literature examining long-term survival in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) with human papillomavirus (HPV) status is lacking. Head and neck survival rates can vary considerably among patients, mainly because every individual – and every cancer – is unique. Salivary Glands Cancer (C07, C08), Five-Year Net Survival by Age, England, 2009-2013. If you’d like to learn more about the survival rate, we can help. Cases surviving 5 years postdiagnosis were identified from the Carolina Head and Neck Cancer Study. [1] Survival for women is similar with 81% surviving for one year or more, and 62% predicted to survive for at least five years. The aim of the study was to analyze survival after distant metastasis of head and neck cancer. Northern Ireland (51%) is also above the European average but Wales (47%) and Scotland (40%) are similar to the European average. [1], Five-year relative survival for tongue cancer in women in England (58%) is above the average for Europe (52%). Background/Aim: in addition to locoregional recurrence distant metastases can limit the survival rate is 30 % 40! Still remains about 50 % ) are also similar to the European.! Cancer has risen since 2001 squamous carcinoma of the study was to analyze survival distant. 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neck cancer survival rate 2021