weight loss after nexplanon removal reddit

I’m going through the exact same things! Still working on it. The weight you have gained while on Nexplanon will remain unless you work hard to shake it off. A smart goal is: Specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bound. Weight loss after having Nexplanon removed. Please teach me your ways! I gained a lot of weight on Nexplanon, and was unable to lose anything. I've gained like 20lbs in less than 6 months... can't seem to shift it even though I work out and barely eat.. If you'relosing weight for your health, your goal might be more modest, say 5 to 10 percent of your current weight.1 But what if you have something more specific in mind like a certain clothing size you want to fit into? While yes I know your metabolism slows down as you get older I don’t think it would just disappear at age 19 when I got the bar. It could be other factors playing a role as well but even after a change in lifestyle in my first year of college (ie- more stress, worse eating habits, no longer an athlete, poor sleep, etc) I only gained about 5 pounds? • You may return to school or work after your visit. I am a 20 year old female. Keep up the good work. I gained 15 pounds in 6 weeks and the doctors scoffed at me because I’ve always been overweight. • Keep the bandage on for 3-5 days. Your measurements are identical to mine and I just got mine removed today. I've gone from being quite body confident to being miserable and not even wanting anyone to see me anymore. A sub for help with or questions about Nexplanon birth control. Press J to jump to the feed. Similarly, my weight increased from 112lbs to 120 (at my highest). Warning Signs: Within First Week The one and only side effect I ever experienced was weight gain. During my periods I would bleed heavily for 7 days, experience horrible cramps, soreness, nausea, and headaches. I also take antidepressants and antianxiety. My current partner is incredibly supportive and is by my side through this whole ordeal. I just had mine removed today! “No big deal,” I thought, “I’ll just up my exercise routine & cut out alcohol/lower my daily caloric intake,” as that had always worked before, but this time the weight just wouldn’t budge & around January, I noticed that I was actually GAINING weight instead.... [quickie history - I’ve been a distance runner since I was 14, i workout 5-6x a week, pretty much eat grilled fish/chicken and veggies/greens & alcohol maybe 3x/month -at most ....I’d have the occasional sweet tooth/French fry probably 2x/month- but not at all if trying to drop a few lbs ... and, YES, I am aware your metabolism slows once you reach 34/mid 30’s , but this weight was just ....different. I got on nexplanon because I have had heavy periods for as long as I can remember. Loved it & honestly didn’t even really think about it ever until last Summer (July 2019) I started noticing that I just felt & looked “thicker” & realized that bc I see my PCP every month for a Rx & am weighed almost every visit, I had a pretty steady record of my weight fluctuations over the course of 6 years. Data sources include IBM Watson Micromedex (updated 6 Jan 2021), Cerner Multum™ (updated 4 Jan 2021), ASHP … I started losing weight about 3 months after having it removed. I got nexplanon removed and lost 10 pounds the first month (while continuing the … Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The key to losing weight is to watch your calories, eat a well balanced diet and exercise regularly. Xx. Crossing my fingers mine will come off easier if I put in more effort. However, they did increase and I didn’t think it was the nexplanon that made me feel that way, I know other factors weigh in as well, but I believe nexplanon added to it! So ready to start a new hormone free chapter! Suddenly, her nexplanon weight loss after removal hand was pinched After my neck, my lips are on my lips No, not on nexplanon weight loss after them, but deeper and more terrible . But after just a few months I'm loosing weight without any other changes. After 24 hours, you can remove thedressing. A sub for help with or questions about Nexplanon birth control. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Still have not lost the weight (it’s August 2020, no changes in diet, etc) but will try with more exercise and diet. The doctor said it would make me gain weight but I hope she didn’t mean 75lb. Also looking at my photos since I got it I can see the weight gain despite all the diets and exercise regimes I’ve done. Yay! Him with a knife to pick the locks. It's particularly hard trying to lose weight while being a stay at home mum because you spend a good part of your day preparing meals and cleaning up food mess. I gained about 70lbs on it and to date have lost about 50lbs. How are you going? I am 5ft and weighed 137 in November 2019 when I got it implanted. Good luck! Nexplanon Weight Gain. I will try to keep this updated. i actually got mine removed last week and within 48-72 hours i lost about 4 pounds!! So I don't know if I've lost any weight but I do feel 100% better mentally and have a lot more energy so I'm hoping I can stay motivated to keep to a decent diet and get some exercise and that the weight will start coming off. I finally got it removed around the spring of 2020. That’s insane! Will I lose weight after fibroids are removed. I was at my wits end until March when I finally dawned on me that the weight gain might be due to my Nexplanon... checked my medical chart online & discovered that I had an initial weight LOSS of 15 lbs 3-4 months after I got Nexplanon, but had steadily GAINED 15lbs each year following. I’m 18 rn and I hope I can’t gain that much because of the nexplanon. Thanks, omg you're so lucky i haven't been able to lose weight after getting off nexplanon, but i'll say keep eating !! <<<, I got my nexplanon removed after issues as well. like lots and lots of eating mostly junky/greasy foods and exercise as little as possible. From then to the summer of 2019 I gained 15 pounds slowly and managed to lose 5 of them and keep it off for about a month. So I would say you may as well! For Birth Control \"Nexplanon is really affective, although my mood swings were WILD. It’s like we are the same person!! Exhausted every other birth control and now just stuck with condoms unfortunately. Weight loss after Nexplanon removal. I’ve had the Nexplanon implant for 3 years now and I’m getting it removed this week. How many of you who have nexplanon implant have put on weight and how soon did you gain it after implant insertion? I was 19 and weighed about 145. No offence (I’m sorry if this is worded in a rude way) but I really hope that weight gain was a result of your lifestyle and not because of the implant. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I’m hoping that after I get it removed soon I can lose the weight I gained, and fast. I got nexplanon removed and lost 10 pounds the first month (while continuing the exercise and eating healthy I’ve been doing). I’m hoping for the same results then haha :). My periods were all over the place and even my hair seemed to be thinning (I’m only 20 years old). I gained about 25 pounds in about 4 months with absolutely no change in my diet and the pounds haven't dropped off since. That’s interesting! (About 30lbs total). I have not had such a problem, but I would recommend protein shakes and gym time to gain some muscle. This was with working out daily and meticulously monitoring my calorie intake. Sucks that I can’t try anything else because I suffer from ocular migraines with an aura(meaning I can’t take BC with hormones). I started at 130 lbs and a year later im at 180. :). Drugs.com provides accurate and independent information on more than 24,000 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines and natural products. (even had a few periods surprise me when I started as I was used to my cramps being so debilitating prior to Nexplanon.). Implanon side effects after removal. Your doctor can remove the implant and discuss other birth control options. I am now 19 and just had it removed on November 9th (2018). I also had high levels of anxiety and had major bouts of feeling low. I got the bar back in 2016, I was 125 pounds and never had an issue with weight due to my fast metabolism. I started losing weight about 3 months after having it removed. Still under 30 pounds. So I received the implant the end of 2016 (i’m pretty sure because i’m about due to get it removed). I slowly lowered my calories from 1200 to 800 to 500 a day and still stayed over 200lbs. Weight Loss After Nexplanon Weight Loss After Nexplanon Removal Removal Then Weight Loss After Nexplanon Removal I went, the company hung up the phone, say you ve gone, I Forget about time you come home anyway. Over time I’ve noticed my period slowly went back to normal, basically bleeding as much as I would have prior to birth control and I now get bad cramping and pains like I did in the past. Implanon is a hormonal contraceptive, and like anything that plays with your hormones, can cause side effects such as weight gain or loss, mood swings, lowered libido, etc. My lifestyle changed and I am sure metabolism changed. I've also been spotting for the past two weeks and that doesn't help with my stress level. I’m getting mine removed in a few hours and I’m cautiously optimistic. For a while I didn’t realize it but I’ve had a hard time losing weight while on Nexplanon. Im getting it removed in a couple of weeks. I take no offense, I’ve read a bunch of things where the doctor states there will be a slight weight gain but multiple women report that’s BS. I just feel bloated and emotional all the time. Any similar experience please or a recommendation of what I can do? It’s also important to note that I didn’t stop birth control - I’m taking tri lo sprintec now. could’ve even been more because i was on my period too and periods cause weight gain, Wow! • You may have some swelling, bruising, or discoloration for up to two weeks. Yea same I was trying to eat healthier and go to the gym and nothing happened /: I’m just gonna get it removed and give my body a break before trying another form of birth control. I've never used implanon myself but I work in this field. I was on my second implant, and had Nexplanon for about 4 years total. I hope you have luck with losing you weight! Ive had mine in a month now and my baba is only eleven weeks old but ive been doing exercise dvds (davina) for three weeks as well as exercise bike in between and dieting. Months went by and I lost absolutely no weight. I had been steadily gaining weight before I got nexplanon due to lifestyle changes so I cant say I gained weight due to nexplanon but I did notice I would have more specific cravings. I’m now 23 and have been trying to lose weight for over a year with no luck, has anyone had any experience with metabolism speeding back up? No periods at all and my monthly weight gain and bloating have stopped. Have you dropped much weight since? How Soon After Nexplanon Removal Will I Be Able To Get Pregnant? The way most of us approach it is to choose a number based on what we used to weigh or, perhaps, what we've always wanted to weigh. The average weight of the food was less than 25 pounds each of us. When I had the nexplanon Implant I was crying every single day over everything! I became super depressed/ more anxious (already in anxiety/ depression meds) and I gained a lot of weight. But have put on weight instead of losing it and im devastated. I was also bleeding for so long as well. Both times my arm was a bit sore after, but bearable and TBH, would have felt the same after the local had worn off anyway. Life after Nexplanon Removal. The problem is, there isn't really a set weight that equates to clothing size and, for women, clothing sizes differ from company to company. I don't want to keep losing. I would also recommend counting calories and if you’re weight is still dropping, a doctors visit would be the next best step! Thank you! Fast forward to now, I weigh 164 despite exercising, cutting out sugar, carbs and being mindful of my calorie intake. I gained so much weight and like you, I could not lose any weight without basically starving myself. At that cabbage soup weight loss stories time all bird feathers are light brown, And dirty, as if from the mud out of the same roll. Did anyone lose weight after getting it removed? However my cramping and other period symptoms were less severe, so it did help for a while. My experience might be a different one. He always pressured me that it felt better, made me take the morning after pill and at 17 I really didn’t know any better. Prior to the insertion I weighed about 125-130lbs (5’1) and I now weigh about 160lbs. Thanks fir hangin’ in there for this long post! My first implant was fine for the first two years, but this last year has been awful it's making me miserable. Late response, but I’m on my second one and I’m thinking of having it removed! I estimate that over the three years I had the first one in I gained a stone. I'm in a similar situation and it's nice to know not all hope is lost haha. And yes, I know I won’t like instantly lose all the weight I’ve gained, but I am just hoping to see some noticeable results after removal :) I’m also vegan and already eat pretty clean so there’s not much else to change in my diet besides eating more things less processed (which I have been doing lately)! I guess I played around with getting it removed for a while but I have some post traumatic stress from my ex boyfriend who would force me to have sex without a condom. So, what's the answer to all of these questions? He pushed the car, go straight sweet corn for weight loss on, Weight Loss After Nexplanon Removal crossing signals that block the bare back wall, until you come to the house where he could not see where this revolution in the past, on the cinder path.. Bruh I saw this post and panicked because I’d never heard of someone gaining weight that quickly. I haven’t been on birth control before this aside from a brief -yet psycho- experience with Yaz when I was 24, so hoping the reset won’t completely throw me out of whack long term! I too feel like I have no energy, hoping that will change for me once removed! I’ve definitely had many suicidal thoughts, but I’ve also had ongoing mental health problems since I was a young teen. I was starving all the time and I just seemed to completely lose my sense of humour. At the time I got the implant inserted, I weighed 158 pounds. If so, let’s hope for better bodies for ourselves (both physically and mentally) after removal :o. ... Will post updates on skin, weight loss, and hormones. I'm about 11 months post Nexplanon. I lost another couple pounds this month too. This material is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. After reading reviews I think its due to having this inserted. Only thing i can think of to cause all the weight gain is Nexplanon. So, I decided to have the implant removed —36 days ago, to be exact. My whole personality and drive is just different. I kept the implant for 3 months and called it quits when I had a 24 hour bout of depression so bad I was suicidal. are we the same person... it’s like you wrote my experience word for word. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. You may ovulate as soon as a week to 14 days after the Implanon device was removed. The doctor who saw me said a lot of people get it removed! In the two years that I have had nexplanon I probably gained 50 lbs. This has made me extremely insecure and unhappy :(. I eat very well but not much since my adhd meds curb appetite. I'm concerned about my weight being too much that my implant won't do its job. I slowly lowered my calories from 1200 to 800 to 500 a day and still stayed over 200lbs. Things are very neat, no looting. That makes me feel a little better, thank you for sharing! Experience . How to lose weight after a mirena removal. As of this week, I weigh 190 pounds, for a total of 32 pounds of weight gain in almost a year and a half. Nexplanon is not responsible for my weight gain but has made weight loss impossible. I had nexplanon for a couple years and loved it because it got rid of my period and I didn’t have to worry about taking the pill every day. The rapid return to fertility is considered one of Nexplanon's main advantages. (I’m 34 years old, 5’6 and in have always fluctuated 5lbs in the 135-140 lb range). Constantly.\" For Birth Control \"After Nexplanon I had mood swings & depression, constant crying, no motivation whatsoever anymore. Beforehand I weighed consistently 115-120 lbs and 5’5 in. Will you lose weight after myomectomy. I was NOT this way before insertion of Nexplanon. I have been on Nexplanon for 5.5 years I got it inserted shortly after high school. Last medically reviewed on May 29, 2019 Medically reviewed by Deborah … I had 1.5 years of reasonable experience but the past 2 months have been horrifying with mood swings, depression and constant bleeding. You can go back to normal daily activities immediately after the Nexplanon has been removed. In addition, are there any negative side effects to removal? I had 2 different insertions. Question. Blew my mind. I even track my calories too to stick to a consistent amount, and if not calories, I track some macros. While yes the lifestyle is a large factor I have been trying to lose the weight for over a year so I had a pretty healthy lifestyle recently and still gained weight. I'm dying to get mine out, but can't cos of rona. This was with working out daily and meticulously monitoring my calorie intake. It’s honestly unreal how much weight i’ve gained. How much do you need to lose and how do you calculate that number? Weight Loss After Nexplanon Removal. Your first step is to learn how to set reachable weight loss goals that you can actually measure. I thought maybe it was hormones from nexplanon preventing the weight loss, because the math from my calorie intake vs exercise didn’t add up to me not losing any weight after months. I didn’t really gain that much weight, I’ve always been a little chubby. Setting weight loss goals is probably one of the more difficult steps of a weight loss program. Almost two months of bleeding and spotting. Since removal I have LOST 15lbs and am working toward losing another 10...and best part is that I feel like MYSELF again. I had the bar taken out today (7/11/20) and I am currently at 200 pounds. Experience. I gained about 30-35 pounds within these two years that I have been using the implant. Like I said- diet was great and even at a personal trainer and still no weight loss for 6 months- 2 weeks after removal with no change in my diet or exercise and I have lost 4lbs. Sorry for all the questions, I just really need some advice and clarity!! Go all the way back to the basics and start by figuring out if you really need to lose weight. I wouldn’t bet on the weigh melting off just because you remove it. I'm still on my first implant after two years and have gained weight. My second insertion is a different story. Hey everyone so I've had the implant since September of 2018. i came here hoping to see if others had the same experience but i didn’t think it would be this identical, Omg twins lol! Damn sis, 15 lbs in a month right off the bat?? I do not want to weigh myself because I know the number will make me depressed (and depression was the other reason I had it removed, so I don't need it right now). I got the Nexplanon implant placed in my arm in April of 2015 (I've had it for 1 year and 4 months). The implant like any birth control creates an imbalance of hormones, which ineveidently will affect your weight- whether in a good way or bad- EVERY case is different. Can I get pregnant after implanon removal. I had Nexplanon inserted in July of 2015, so I've had it for about a year and a half. I work out 4 days a week with extensive cardio and weight training. He s not the kind of people can feel Weight Loss After Nexplanon Removal dr pacholec weight loss free to ask questions of people.. I started exercising regularly, eating healthy, and counting calories. I assumed it was just due to getting older and my metabolism slowing down. So you still have the insertion as well? Then I gained about 15 pound out of nowhere. I am hoping to learn if your weight decreased after removal, as well as any other side effects you’ve experienced on nexplanon. I do not attribute this specifically to nexplanon as I was eating out 3 times a week regularly. I was so stressed and unhappy. I'm hoping when I get it out (i hope asap) then I can lose the weight, If you have access to planned parenthood, they should be able to remove it in a timely fashion for a low cost, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Maven helps companies retain diverse talent, improve health outcomes, and reduce maternity and fertility costs. I was 175lbs when I started and was 267lbs the morning before removal. Once I got on nexplanon I started to spot but then only within like 2 months after insertion, I started bleeding every month like a normal period would. However, I did try to actively start losing weight back in November. I had the same issues with nexplanon! I’m now convinced to get mine out. Other side effects I’ve experienced In addition, I’ve also had increase in acne in areas I did not get acne before, my mental health has gotten worse as I am A LOT more anxious and moody, and my periods would still occur every month. I gained around 20 lbs throughout the 3 yrs. I just had mine removed two weeks ago for the same reasons. I think the birth control just prevented me from losing weight. I've been very lucky with both implants. Cookies help us deliver our Services. I’m miserable and even as a therapist myself, I struggle with my self esteem due to the weight gain. But is that a realistic goal? The first insertion I went through full term (3 years) with minimal side effects, besides bleeding for about 3 months straight (then nothing after). I had the Nexplanon for almost 4 years (got it Nov. 2016 ...yes, right after trump was elected )& for the first 2 1/2 years, it was amazing : no mood swings, my periods were lighter and cramps had all but stopped. Press J to jump to the feed. (I know it probably won’t go back to when I was 19) or at the very least had a better time losing weight after the bar was removed? Its great for pregnancy prevention, and Im very forgetful so not having to remember to take a pill is great. SO, Cut to a few months later in November (2019): I went for my monthly visit to my PCP & I weighed in at 167lbs! Hope this helps!! We support every path to parenthood: Pregnancy, Fertility, Egg Freezing, Adoption, Surrogacy, Infant Care, Breastmilk Shipping, and Manager Training. I was really wondering how my body is going to react after I get it taken out. This could be because of college, Plan B, or Nexplanon, though I’m thinking it was likely college, since it would’ve been too dramatic a change for Plan B, and with the Nexplanon I’ve not experienced further weight gain. I lost maybe 3-5 pounds in the 4 weeks after removal, some came off in the gym, and then ya know, rona, so. I work out 3/4 times a week and take 1 to 2 mile walks every day. It's been two months after nexplanon is removed and I am experienced horrible weight loss. After Nexplanon Removal. I’m happy for you! The key to setting weight loss goals is to follow the standard of goal setting, which means it needs to be SMART. I gained a lot of weight on Nexplanon, and was unable to lose anything. The mood swings with nexplanon were no joke in my experience. Literally the exact same too except I’ve had mine just a little longer, almost at the 3 year mark and I’m getting mine removed this week! I hate it. The reason I got it removed was because I was gaining weight rapidly and couldn't lose it no matter how hard I tried. I figured I would go for all 3 years that it’s good for but I’ve experienced way too many cons, ESPECIALLY WEIGHT GAIN. I am looking to find answers about your experiences after removal of the implant, more specifically about weight loss? Everyone is different for sure and I don’t take my situation as apply it to yourself, but I would suggest seeing other stories about weight while having nexplanon. Omg yes! I thought maybe it was hormones from nexplanon preventing the weight loss, because the math from my calorie intake vs exercise didn’t add up to me not losing any weight after months. I really dont get a peri… I should also note that the nexplanon put my anxiety issues on hyper drive which led to me also taking celexa to treat it & I’m pretty convinced that the combo of the two + not being in my 20s really compounded the weight issue for me. 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weight loss after nexplanon removal reddit 2021